Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Literary Terms For The End - 1411 Words

Literary Terms for â€Å"In the End† Linkin Park’s â€Å"In the End† is a song that many people can relate to because it is about a situation that everyone has encountered. The approach Chester uses to describe a hard situation by using the structure, symbolism and prosody he specifically picks out makes the song catchy and relatable. The way he forms the song and the words he picked out allows a depressing moment to become an inspiration for anyone going through hard times. The most important literary term is structure, this is the beginning layout of the poem, story or song. This is how the poem is organized it is where the author decides how the story is to begin, the details that are going to keep the reader intrigued, the crisis and the climax and the way the poem is to end, the resolution. Even in the song â€Å"In the End† there is an outline of how it begins and ends. Right away the author shows that there is a major complication, he has worked hard at reaching a goal or helping a person and has failed. Then further down in the lyrics he shows the crisis, where all of the reasons are starting to build up as to why he has decided not to stay with the other character in the song, he sings reasons like when you were mocking me, acting like I was your property and fighting all the time. He even sings about everything has changed and there is no way to bring it back. He then lines it up with when the chorus hits; we see the resolution of the so ng. This part shows the realization thatShow MoreRelatedHistory1451 Words   |  6 PagesA GLOSSARY OF LITERARY TERMS LITERARY DEVICES Alliteration: The repetition of initial consonant sounds used especially in poetry to emphasize and link words as well as to create pleasing, musical sounds. Example—the fair breeze blew, the white foam flew. 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