Saturday, December 7, 2019

Designing a Career Profile for Accounting -

Question: Discuss about theDesigning a Career Profile for Accounting Professionals. Answer: Comparison between two LinkedIn Profiles of Accounting Professionals Ted Harvey Ted Harvey has a profile in LinkedIn. He has graduated from the University of Grover and did his MBA from the University of Poloma. He has been a certified public accountant for the last five years. The mere fact that Ted Harvey has an account in LinkedIn is enough proof of the fact that both the profile and the information published in it is genuine and real. Ted has worked as a financial analyst in a partnership firm named Strutford Partnership. In order to strengthen his profile he has mentioned in his LinkedIn account that while working in Strutford Partnership he was in charge of creation of financial reports and handled a team of five members who had the responsibility of maintaining the accounting records of the entire company. He was responsible for a budget of $350000. Next Ted joined Birmingham Sons and there he had the responsibility of conducting quality reviews of potential business partnerships and also measured the risk involved in such ventures using the Facilitated Risk Analysis Process. He was also in charge of forecasting business revenues and losses helping the management of the company to make accurate decision making processes. Ted Harvey after this did create his own personal brand and named it Harveys. Ted Harvey has mentioned in his profile that he believes that the entire process of accounting is the base of every institution and claims that with sincere and purest efforts each and every entity can excel by preparing clear and concise financial statements. John Vancouver John Vancouver has been in the business of accounting from the beginning. John has managed to create his own personal brand from the time when he opened his own accounting firm with the name of Vancouvers Co. John had completed his graduation from the University of Melbourne in Financial Accounting and is a certified public accountant. John has mentioned in his profile that he had served in a local public accounting firm initially as a trainee and this resulted in developing an aversive attitude towards the entire concept of employer employee obligations that is present in each and every job. As mentioned in his profile John does not believe in the traditional employee employer relationship and believes in freedom to express hugely. In fact the tagline of the particular brand created by John Vancouver is Express As You Will. John has mentioned in LinkedIn profile that each and every employee appointed in his firm has the freedom to implement and suggest new and improved ways of accounting. Thus the major difference in the brand developed by Ted Harvey and John Vancouver is that the brand promoted by Ted has a traditional approach to it while the John strictly believes in an independent approach towards work. Secondly Ted had worked in a number of institutions and companies before creating his own brand, thus it is clear that Ted gives more importance to experience rather than intuitions. On the other hand John at a very young age realized that he could not cope with the age old employer employee business approach and started his own business firm purely on the basis of intuitions. Thirdly according to the nature of the profiles the brand created by Ted has a methodical approach to it while the brand created by John has a radical approach to it. Own Personal Brand As observed above the two different brands created and promoted by two different individuals have exposed the two different approaches to business. As a creator of a personal brand, it is advisable that the brand is a mixture of both these approaches. The brand that believes in both experience and intuition is sure to excel and be successful in no time. A brand inspiring its employees to gain experience in the due course of business and also expressing their own ideas regarding the proceedings of business will strengthen both the skill and will of the employees (Johnson 2017). Weakness of the brand may lie in the fact that the mixture of the methodical and radical approach may result in initial imbalance in business but with sincere efforts the brand will surely be a success (Bremner and Phung 2015). Moreover before graduating, training from an institute of repute will add to the brand value of business. Secondly an advisor may also be appointed as to how the primary structure of business has to be established and how to attract the attention of the target clients (Crant 2015). CPA Boot Camp The Career Boot Camp organized by CPA Australia held a very effective session and described the clear steps in which a business can be set up. The steps in brief are creating a mass pleasing personality as because the main component of business is people. The next step is creating a profile that has some substance to it and then developing enough confidence in order to execute face to face communication. Lastly and the most important step is opening a LinkedIn account. References Bremner, S. and Phung, B., 2015. Learning From the Experts: An Analysis of Rsum Writers' Self-Presentation on LinkedIn. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 58(4), pp.367-380. Crant, J., 2015. Linkedin secrets that showcase your value. Strategic Finance, 96(7), p.19. Johnson, N.L., 2017. Improving the Accounting Student Resume Language: Accounting Faculty Best Practice Tools. The Accounting Educators' Journal, 26.

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