Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Literary Terms For The End - 1411 Words

Literary Terms for â€Å"In the End† Linkin Park’s â€Å"In the End† is a song that many people can relate to because it is about a situation that everyone has encountered. The approach Chester uses to describe a hard situation by using the structure, symbolism and prosody he specifically picks out makes the song catchy and relatable. The way he forms the song and the words he picked out allows a depressing moment to become an inspiration for anyone going through hard times. The most important literary term is structure, this is the beginning layout of the poem, story or song. This is how the poem is organized it is where the author decides how the story is to begin, the details that are going to keep the reader intrigued, the crisis and the climax and the way the poem is to end, the resolution. Even in the song â€Å"In the End† there is an outline of how it begins and ends. Right away the author shows that there is a major complication, he has worked hard at reaching a goal or helping a person and has failed. Then further down in the lyrics he shows the crisis, where all of the reasons are starting to build up as to why he has decided not to stay with the other character in the song, he sings reasons like when you were mocking me, acting like I was your property and fighting all the time. He even sings about everything has changed and there is no way to bring it back. He then lines it up with when the chorus hits; we see the resolution of the so ng. This part shows the realization thatShow MoreRelatedHistory1451 Words   |  6 PagesA GLOSSARY OF LITERARY TERMS LITERARY DEVICES Alliteration: The repetition of initial consonant sounds used especially in poetry to emphasize and link words as well as to create pleasing, musical sounds. Example—the fair breeze blew, the white foam flew. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Slavery Its Undeniable Impact On The World s Economic...

Slavery means many different things to many different people; to some it may recall a past of unspeakable hardships and tribulations, while to others it may evoke mawkish memories of capitalist ventures and economic prosperity. One thing can be known for certain about slavery: its undeniable impact on the world’s economic growth through its capitalist exploitation of human lives. Grandin’s The Empire of Necessity explores the wide-reaching roots of the slave trade and examines the consequences and coincidences that entangled the lives of countless enslaved Africans, slavers, and the men who considered themselves to be neither. Using the tale of a failed slave revolt in the South Pacific, Grandin makes the argument that slavery had never been â€Å"just about slavery†; it was a multi-faceted system of oppression that was used as a foundation with which the modern world was built upon. Grandin’s retelling of that fateful day in 1805 spares no detail; no ston e is left unturned in his exploration of the events and paths leading up to this â€Å"horse market of crashing historical currents, of free trade, U.S. expansion, and slavery, and of colliding ideas of justice and faith.† His exposition is vast and diverse, covering subjects such as Islam, sealing, piracy, whaling, and the writings of Charles Darwin and Herman Melville; all with the intent to reveal their interconnectivity to one another in this ubiquitous â€Å"trap† that makes up the â€Å"paradox of freedom and slavery in America.†Show MoreRelatedManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesthis course. The instructor is solely responsible for the editorial content of such materials. 111 MANGGEN ISBN: 0−390−58539−4 Management Contents Feigenbaum−Feigenbaum †¢ The Power of Management Capital 1. New Management for Business Growth in a Demanding Economy 1 1 Text Jones−George †¢ Contemporary Management, Fourth Edition I. Management 17 17 2. The Evolution of Management Thought Hughes−Ginnett−Curphy †¢ Leadership, Fifth Edition I. Leadership is a Process, Not a Position

Sunday, December 15, 2019

New Jersey Free Essays

string(89) " dark rocks known as ‘trap rock’ that was formed during the earlier geological ages\." New Jersey (NJ) is one of the states in the US that forms a transition between the states of the north and the south.   It exhibits characteristics in the physical geography and intermingling of various cultures of the US.   It is one of the largest states in the US and has a multiethnic community. We will write a custom essay sample on New Jersey or any similar topic only for you Order Now    It has acted as a support home to several of its densely populated neighborhood.   The community present in NJ is highly urbanized and is the second most densely populated state after California. NJ remains to be one of the most densely populated states in the US.   All the 21 counties that belong to the NJ state are classified as ‘metropolitan’.   The density of the population has been about 1100 per square miles, compared to the nation average of about 79 per square mile (in 2000). The state concentrates on farming in some regions and for this reason it is frequently known as ‘the Garden State’.   As early as the 17th century, farming was considered important due to the agricultural potential of the soil.   In the Northwestern parts and the southern regions, the areas are sparsely populated due to the presence of mountains and tidelands in these region.   Typically, New Jersey appears S-Shaped on the map (the upper limb is formed by the Appalachian highlands and the Piedmont plains, and the lower limb of the ‘S’ is formed by the Coastal plains) (Stansfied. 1998, Swartz Stansfield. 2007 US Census. 2007). The land between the Hudson and the Delaware River is termed as ‘New Jersey State†.   There are three unique characteristics of NJ.   It is made up of a multi-ethnic community belonging to various races and ethnic groups.   The second unique characteristics are that it has an orientation of both the metropolitan cities that it neighbors.   Thirdly, people feel the NJ economy is based on the ability to reach the metropolitan cities, which it neighbors.   I do feel that initially NJ State was much of a transition state, offering a place for people of various cultures and ethnic background to intermingle. There has also been a climatic transition between the northern and the southern US, and this has had an effect on the economy and the social life of the state.   The characteristics of NJ is somewhere between New York and New England (considering weather and geographical features).   The state houses some of the features that seem to intermingle with these two other states.   The Geology of NJ consists of the oldest rocks in the Appalachian and Piedmont regions and recent sediments in the southeastern regions.   The state of NJ hence shows a transition, as two different types of geological characteristics are present.   Besides, it has water sources concentrated in certain areas, whereas in other areas; the ground water is deep, leading to water problems (Stansfield. 1998). NJ has an area of about 7, 200 square miles.   On the other hand, the area of the US is about 3, 500, 000 square miles.   It has an inland water area of about 1, 026 square kilometers.   NJ State has a greatest inland length of about 166 miles, and the greatest inland breath of about 75 miles.   More than 125 miles is actually coastline (Swartz Stansfield. 2007, Murray et al. 2007 Stansfield. 1998). One of the physical characteristics of NJ State is that it is surrounded by water in all areas except the northern border, where it contacts New York State for about 80 kilometers or is about 12 % of the State’s land.   NJ belongs to the middle Atlantic region of the US and lies along the eastern coast.   The Hudson River runs along its border in the northeastern regions.   Pennsylvania lies along its western border.   The Delaware Bay and the Delaware River separate NJ from Delaware State in the southern and the southwest regions. The largest city in NJ is Newark, and its capital is Trenton.   Newark is one of the most important cities in NJ.   From here people can easily travel to New York using the river ferry or the railroad.   Trenton is located on the eastern side of the Delaware River.   It houses several government and civil quarters for the NJ State.   About 10 miles from Trenton is the town of Princeton that houses a major university in NJ. The Northern portion of the state contains the Appalachian Highlands and the entire northern regions contain mountains, ridges, streams and lakes.   This region is often known as ‘the New Appalachians’.   One of the prominent sandstone ridges present in the northeast is Kittatinny Mountains. This ridge contains the Delaware River (in the Delaware water gap).   The highest elevation present in the state is the Kittatinny Mountain that is at a height of 550 meters, present in a few kilometers with the border with New York State.   The average elevation of the state is 80 meters (Swartz Stansfield. 2007, Murray et al. 2007, Stansfield. 1998). In the Southeast of Appalachian Highlands, the Triassic lowlands and the Piedmont plains are present (the Piedmont plains lie to the east of the NJ Highlands).   It occupies about 20 % of the entire NJ area.   This extends from the Northeastern border and includes all the major cities such as Trenton.   From the Hudson region, ancient rock ridges extent, which break the monotony of the lowlands.   Between the highlands and the lowlands of NJ lies a valley that is highly populated.   This valley is underlain with limestone and sandstone, which is bright red in color. The other stones that are present in this region include conglomerates, shale, igneous stones, etc.   These parts of NJ State contain older rock system compared to the coastal plains.   The valley is located at a height of 120 to 150 meters and can be routed from the Hudson River, all the way to Alabama.   The termination portion of the Piedmont plains in the Hudson region is known as ‘the Palisades’, and is made of trap rock (Cloister Hill).   The Piedmont is about 30 kilometers wide. The valley also contains dark rocks known as ‘trap rock’ that was formed during the earlier geological ages. You read "New Jersey" in category "Essay examples"   This rock offers a wonderful arena for waterfalls in the region.   The sandstone in several areas has eroded and now appears as prominent ridges.   Some of the prominent mountains found in the Piedmont Highlands are the Watchung and the Sourland mountains.   The Piedmont lowlands or the â€Å"Newark Basin† forms the area where most of the major cities are located.   Through this region access to New York and New Jersey could be made.   In this region, three of the major rivers drain, namely, the Raritan River, the Passaic River and the Hackensack River (Swartz Stansfield. 2007). The NJ Highlands is also known as â€Å"New England Upland†, as it is geologically similar to New England.   It contains several lakes of great tourist interest.   These include Greenwood Lake, Lake Hopatcong, Culvers Lake and Green Pond Lake.   The NJ Highlands occupies about 12 % of the entire NJ area.   The ridges formed in these regions are made up of an old rock known as ‘gneiss’.   The Musconetcong and Pequest River are formed in this area (Murray et al. 2007, Stansfield. 1998). The Atlantic Coastal Plain, from the southeast to the coastal areas, occupies about 60 % of NJ area.   It has one of the world’s largest chains of sandy barrier islands, which are continuous.   It appears wedge shaped, which is thickest in the east-southeast region and thinnest in the center.   It has two portions, namely, the inner plain and the outer coastal plain.   The inner coastal plain or the â€Å"Greensand Belt† is located near the Piedmont area and has a size of 40 kilometers. Many orchards and agricultural homes are located in this region as the soil is very fertile and conducive to agriculture.   On the other hand, the land present in the outer coastal plain is very infertile and not very conducive to agricultural activities.   It forms the western rim of the NJ state and area where it meets with the ocean.   The outer coastal plain contains several hills, which are not more than 60 meters in height.   The outer coastal plain also forms several beaches, lagoons and marshes.   Several islands are located off the coast of NJ, some of which are inhabited and form popular tourist destinations. The ocean currents and the tides have an effect on the offshore islands and the coasts of New Jersey State. On several occasions tidal waves have had an effect on the New Jersey Coast.   In southern parts of NJ, the coastal plains contain high amounts of scrub oak and pine trees.   Several cranberry and blueberry plantation are located in several areas of the outer coast.   The Pine Barren is some of the vast forests located in the outer coastal plains.   A few settlements of people and rivers are also located.   Many a times, the Pine Barrens of NJ seems to be a source for forest fires. The number of fires that have occurred since the 1940’s is about 1100.   About 8, 000 hectares is usually burnt every year through wild forest fires, much less than the 22, 000 that existed before the forest department began to use effective means of reducing these fires.   Most of the fires occur during the dry months of January to September periods.   Many of the important resorts and spas are located in the coastal plains.   The islands present close to the coast make harbor construction difficult. Many ships have met with accidents along the NJ coast due to the rough ocean currents and the shallow waters.   However, sheltered waterways are located which help to provide some relief for ships.   Portions of the NJ coast even have offshore sandbars and barrier beaches.   In parts of the northern NJ coast, the coastline is severely eroded (Swartz Stansfield. 2007, Stansfield. 1998 Forman et al. 1981). The islands, beaches, sandpits, etc, present along the NJ coast, are one of the longest chain in the world.   They run from the Texas region all the way up to the New York’s long island.   The islands of NJ coast seem to be dynamic in nature.   The ocean currents, tides, winds, waves, etc, have a dynamic effect on the NJ shoreline.   Many of the estuaries located off the coast of New Jersey form important beds for natural oyster shelters and oyster cultivation.   Several factors do favor the growth of oysters in the seabed including the tidal currents, the prevailing tides, eddies, prevailing winds (their force and direction), etc.   The larvae of oysters can help in regulating their own populations by rising and settling in the tidal currents.   In the NJ estuaries, the larvae do rise and settle in the tidal currents thus having potential to grow and develop along the coastal waters (Carriker. 1951 Stansfield. 1998). NJ State enjoys an extreme type of climate, with summers being warm and winters cold.   To the west of NJ, lies a huge landmass, which causes an extreme type of climate during winter and summer.   The climate is produced as a result of its latitude (located halfway between the equator and the North Pole), thus in a position to produce distinct seasons.   The distance from the season and the height above sea level also has a role to play in the development of climate of NJ.   During the summer, the moist tropical winds bring in hot air causing temperatures to rise and humid conditions to exist.   During winter, the continental winds bring in freezing temperatures and causing snowfall in several regions. The sea tends to retain the heat for greater amount of time during the day.   Hence during the night, the sea breezes tend to cool the land.   During the day, there is a strong sea breeze, which tends to cool the land.   The average rainfall received by the state is more than 1000 per annum.   The southwest regions of the state receive lower rainfall compared to other regions.   In January, the average temperature in NJ State is about 1 degree centigrade and in July, one of the hottest months, the average temperature is about 23 degrees centigrade.   However, extreme temperature have also been recorded, suggesting that at times the temperature can rise or fall to varying degrees.   In the winter of 1904, the temperature once dipped to – 37 degree and in the summer of 1936, the temperature once rose to 43 degrees. Due to the extremes of temperatures recorded in the Piedmont regions, seedlings do not become established within a year.   They begin to get established after two or more years.   Trees tend to invade areas occupied by herbs and shrubs.   During winter, the free-thaw cycles occur which hinders the establishment of the tree seedlings.   In portion of the Northwestern regions of the state, seasons last for about three to four months.   However, in some of the southwestern regions, the seasons last for about 8 months. Towards, the coastline, the climates tend to be less of an extreme.   Hence, during summer, these places stay cooler than those inlands, and in winter they tend to stay warmer.   Many people consider the NJ climate to be variable during various seasons of the year (Swartz Stansfield. 2007, Stansfield. 1998 Buell. 1971). Thus, I do feel that NJ State offers variables in terms of geography, climate and landforms, compared to any other parts of the world.   This has caused a diverse flora and fauna to exist in the region.   Besides, it also forms a home to many people who would like to visit New York and the Philadelphia region.   This has resulted in the population of NJ to be high compared to the other parts of the US. References: C. A. Stansfield. A Geography of New Jersey. 2nd Ed. Rutgers University Press, 1998.   Hugh Murray, William Wallace, Robert Jameson et al. The Encyclopà ¦dia of Geography: Comprising a Complete Description of the Earth.. New York: Carey, Lea and Blanchard, 2007. M. F. Buell, H. F. Buell, J. A. Small, â€Å"Invasion of Trees in Secondary Succession on the New Jersey Piedmont.† Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 98.2 (1971). M. R. Carriker â€Å"Ecological Observations on the Distribution of Oyster Larvae in New Jersey Estuaries.† Ecological Monographs, 21.1 (1951). R. T. T. Forman R. E. Boerner â€Å"Fire Frequency and the Pine Barrens of New Jersey.† Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 108.1 (1951). Swartz, J. Stansfield, C. A. â€Å"New Jersey.† Microsoft Encarta. 2007.   3 Nov. 2007: http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761559873/New_Jersey.html US Census Bureau. New Jersey. US Census Bureau. 2007. 3 Nov. 2007 How to cite New Jersey, Essay examples New Jersey Free Essays The governor of the State of New Jersey is Jon Corzine. He is a Democrat and has been the governor since he took office on January 17, 2006.   The Governor of New Jersey is one of the most powerful governors in the nation. We will write a custom essay sample on New Jersey or any similar topic only for you Order Now    This is due in part, to the fact that it is the only state wide and non-federal elected office in the state.   The governor, under the rights given to him by the state constitution, appoints the entire cabinet which is subject to confirmation by the New Jersey Senate. Governor Corzine, a Democrat, took office after his predecessor James McGreevy was forced to resign after he admitted to having an adulterous affair and felt political and personal pressure to resign. On Election Day 2005, the governor was stripped of some of his powers as the citizens of New Jersey voted in favor of adding an amendment to the state constitution that creates the position of Lieutenant Governor which will become effective after the 2009 election. The power that the governor possesses comes from the state constitution of which that power comes directly from the people. The current constitution was ratified in 1947. New Jersey’s Governor Jon Corzine was born on January 1, 1947 in central Illinois.   He graduated from the University of Illinois at Champaign and went into the army where he stayed from 1969-1975. Governor’s keen business and fiscal talents comes from his decades working in various investment firms. â€Å"In 1975, Governor Corzine was recruited by Goldman Sachs, the New York investment firm. He left Goldman Sachs in May 1999 after successfully converting the investment firm from a private partnership to a public company. Also in 1997, Governor Corzine was the chairman of a presidential commission to study capital budgeting as a means of increasing federal investment in schools, technology, and infrastructure.† (www.state.nj.us) This background is important in knowing what type of governor he is and that he will not hesitate to move away from his party’s overall consensus when it comes to the task of balancing the budget. (as seen in the 2006 government shutdown). In 2005, after more than four years in the U.S. Senate for the state of New Jersey, Jon Corzine announced his candidacy for the governor of New Jersey. â€Å"Corzine won his campaign for the post of Governor of New Jersey with 54% of the vote. Republican nominee Doug Forrester, a businessman and a former Mayor of West Windsor Township, in Mercer County, won 43%. Corzine received 1,224,493 votes to Forrester’s 985,235. A total of 80,277 votes, or 3%, were scattered among other candidates.† (wikipedia) The governor is directly elected by the people of his state. The governor performs the executive functions of the state, and is not directly subordinate to the federal authorities. The governor assumes additional roles, such as being the Commander-in-Chief of the New Jersey National Guard forces as well as appointing members of his cabinet, judges and having the responsibility of presenting a budget that needs to be accepted by July 1 of the previous year. The election of Governor of New Jersey is much more important and has wider ramifications that say the election of governor for the state of Illinois for example. The main reason for this is that a vote for a gubernatorial candidate is also a vote for all which he is likely to appoint in his cabinet whereas such candidates for State Treasurer, Comptroller and State’s Attorney in the State of Illinois for example, are elected through a direct vote by its citizens. The Attorney General, State Treasurer, Comptroller and the Head of Education, to list a few, were all appointed by either Governor Corzine or his predecessors. As I am not a lifelong citizen of New Jersey but instead spent some of my adolescence in Illinois where its citizens had the right to vote for the candidates of these positions, it seems foreign to me that a governor would have so much power to appoint so many important positions. New Jersey’s state constitution seems to be giving a free pass to the spoils system that was fought so hard against in the 19th century in this country. The ugly side of political graft has plagued the entire democratic process in this country and has taken the people’s voice out of the democratic process. The governor should not have the right to appoint New Jersey’s State Treasurer, Attorney General or any other highly important positions in the state’s government unless that seat is vacated in the middle of a term due to an emergency. Doing otherwise takes the voice away from the people who have the right to vote for these positions.   Also, failing to do so, helps breed partisanship within the governor’s cabinet since a Democrat is more likely to appoint all Democrats as well as a Republican’s inclination to do the same. If a governor’s cabinet is to be all Democrat, all Republican, or a mixture of both, it should be up to the more than eight million residents of New Jersey and not a single man! This same ideology needs to be enacted regarding the governor’s ability to appoint judges. In Illinois, judges are appointed by the people. Isn’t that what ought to happen in a democracy, at least on the state and local level? I would even be in favor of the appointment of judges being the responsibility of the state legislature instead of the governor alone as a lesser evil. Currently, it seems to be a one party system in New Jersey and with New Jersey being one of the most diverse states in the country: Diverse by way of racial, religious and political affiliation, such a setup seems to be disadvantageous towards the goal of complete representation of New Jersey’s citizens. This high level of diversity should be representative from the governor on down but sadly it is not. This is not to blame the governor for he/she is inclined to appoint members of their own party. What is alarming is the number of appointments the governor of New Jersey is allowed to make under the current state constitution. The role of the governor is not only to appoint a cabinet but to submit a budget for the upcoming fiscal year.   The deadline to do this in July 1st. Incidentally, that was the same date as the start of New Jersey’s only government shutdown in the year 2006.   The New Jersey Constitution states under Article VIII that a state’s expenses for the year be provided for â€Å"in a single budget act.† The constitution also specifics a provision stating preventive measures against going into debt. A start to New Jersey’s troubles was ignoring this sound advice. Governor Corzine, in an attempt to pass his budget, came into conflict with fellow Democrats within the General Assembly.   The main point of contention was the Assembly’s refusal to increase the state tax from 6% to 7% in order to fill the budget gap. Corzine stated that there was no other way in coming up with the money as the state’s constitution forbade other forms of revenue. Months before the shutdown, Corzine states that he would not accept a budget that did not include a tax increase and he stood firm in this conviction and the General Assembly did the same which eventually resulted in the shutdown. When the budget failed to pass, the shutdown occurred. This resulted in 45,000 workers being told that they were non-essential and would have to stay home for an indefinite period of time. The shutdown lasted only a week but thousands of workers were affected by this shutdown.   Even though it seems more to be the cause of the legislature’s inability to act regarding the needed passing of the budget before the deadline, should a governor have the right to shut down the state government?   This is a hard question to answer and one that requires a bipartisan dissection of the problem in the long term and not just with the current players in my state’s administration. It seems that the power that the governor has in appointing judges, his cabinet and in shutting down the government is not his own but is a right given him by the state constitution. In the state legislature’s present state: fiscal irresponsibility, political corruption and a general disconnect by the state legislature from its citizens, it seems that the governor really had no choice but to use the authority at his disposal to help get the state back on track and to be held accountable for presenting a responsible budget to the people. But the more important issue is that a stoppage should never have occurred and therefore, Governor Corzine would not have been in the position to contemplate the need for a government shutdown. One really does roll the dice when voting for the governor of New Jersey.   Will he keep his political promises? Will he appoint members of his cabinet and judges that are concerned only with their responsibilities? Will there be any attempt at a bipartisan cabinet? And if the governor is not of the same political party and/or the same ideology as myself, then I can rest assured that my voice and my vote will have only a fraction of its effectiveness if I were in Illinois or any other state where the â€Å"elected officials† are just that-elected by the people to represent them. Also, the governor’s additional authority to appoint judges makes it even more likely that an atmosphere of partisanship will permeate New Jersey politics. There has been a great deal of talk about â€Å"activist judges.† I do feel that with judges being human beings and unable to be 100% impartial 100% of the time, the political party of a judge is something to consider and the likelihood that a Democrat governor will likely nominate likeminded judges and Republicans will do the same, results in a is a lack of stability in not only the state legislature but also in the way that laws and cases are decided. The possibility of a complete overhaul concerning the ideology of my state as a result of the governor’s power and a different political party possibly taking control every four years is something, I feel does not resemble a true democracy but instead serves as an impediment to the expectation that a person’s voice will be heard. Our governor, regardless of whether or not we are in agreement, has more political power than he ought to. Our founding fathers were weary of a political system that garnishes absolute power to its representatives and believed that absolute power corrupted. In the end, the power rests with the people and not until New Jersey has the displeasure of electing a governor who takes full advantage of the rights given to him by the present state constitution and uses it for sinister motives as did Huey Long in 1930’s Louisiana, will any of the needed change happen. WORKS CITED www.ngs.org (National Governor’s Association)   www.naag.org (National Association of Attorneys General) www.wikipedia.com www.state.nj.us/governor/about How to cite New Jersey, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Designing a Career Profile for Accounting - myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theDesigning a Career Profile for Accounting Professionals. Answer: Comparison between two LinkedIn Profiles of Accounting Professionals Ted Harvey Ted Harvey has a profile in LinkedIn. He has graduated from the University of Grover and did his MBA from the University of Poloma. He has been a certified public accountant for the last five years. The mere fact that Ted Harvey has an account in LinkedIn is enough proof of the fact that both the profile and the information published in it is genuine and real. Ted has worked as a financial analyst in a partnership firm named Strutford Partnership. In order to strengthen his profile he has mentioned in his LinkedIn account that while working in Strutford Partnership he was in charge of creation of financial reports and handled a team of five members who had the responsibility of maintaining the accounting records of the entire company. He was responsible for a budget of $350000. Next Ted joined Birmingham Sons and there he had the responsibility of conducting quality reviews of potential business partnerships and also measured the risk involved in such ventures using the Facilitated Risk Analysis Process. He was also in charge of forecasting business revenues and losses helping the management of the company to make accurate decision making processes. Ted Harvey after this did create his own personal brand and named it Harveys. Ted Harvey has mentioned in his profile that he believes that the entire process of accounting is the base of every institution and claims that with sincere and purest efforts each and every entity can excel by preparing clear and concise financial statements. John Vancouver John Vancouver has been in the business of accounting from the beginning. John has managed to create his own personal brand from the time when he opened his own accounting firm with the name of Vancouvers Co. John had completed his graduation from the University of Melbourne in Financial Accounting and is a certified public accountant. John has mentioned in his profile that he had served in a local public accounting firm initially as a trainee and this resulted in developing an aversive attitude towards the entire concept of employer employee obligations that is present in each and every job. As mentioned in his profile John does not believe in the traditional employee employer relationship and believes in freedom to express hugely. In fact the tagline of the particular brand created by John Vancouver is Express As You Will. John has mentioned in LinkedIn profile that each and every employee appointed in his firm has the freedom to implement and suggest new and improved ways of accounting. Thus the major difference in the brand developed by Ted Harvey and John Vancouver is that the brand promoted by Ted has a traditional approach to it while the John strictly believes in an independent approach towards work. Secondly Ted had worked in a number of institutions and companies before creating his own brand, thus it is clear that Ted gives more importance to experience rather than intuitions. On the other hand John at a very young age realized that he could not cope with the age old employer employee business approach and started his own business firm purely on the basis of intuitions. Thirdly according to the nature of the profiles the brand created by Ted has a methodical approach to it while the brand created by John has a radical approach to it. Own Personal Brand As observed above the two different brands created and promoted by two different individuals have exposed the two different approaches to business. As a creator of a personal brand, it is advisable that the brand is a mixture of both these approaches. The brand that believes in both experience and intuition is sure to excel and be successful in no time. A brand inspiring its employees to gain experience in the due course of business and also expressing their own ideas regarding the proceedings of business will strengthen both the skill and will of the employees (Johnson 2017). Weakness of the brand may lie in the fact that the mixture of the methodical and radical approach may result in initial imbalance in business but with sincere efforts the brand will surely be a success (Bremner and Phung 2015). Moreover before graduating, training from an institute of repute will add to the brand value of business. Secondly an advisor may also be appointed as to how the primary structure of business has to be established and how to attract the attention of the target clients (Crant 2015). CPA Boot Camp The Career Boot Camp organized by CPA Australia held a very effective session and described the clear steps in which a business can be set up. The steps in brief are creating a mass pleasing personality as because the main component of business is people. The next step is creating a profile that has some substance to it and then developing enough confidence in order to execute face to face communication. Lastly and the most important step is opening a LinkedIn account. References Bremner, S. and Phung, B., 2015. Learning From the Experts: An Analysis of Rsum Writers' Self-Presentation on LinkedIn. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 58(4), pp.367-380. Crant, J., 2015. Linkedin secrets that showcase your value. Strategic Finance, 96(7), p.19. Johnson, N.L., 2017. Improving the Accounting Student Resume Language: Accounting Faculty Best Practice Tools. The Accounting Educators' Journal, 26.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Danyelle Barber Essays - Medicine, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Danyelle Barber Page #1 CPR Compare and Contrast CPR is a very important technique to learn. Everyday people use CPR to save lives. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, anyone in your family can be a victim of choking or breathing difficulties that could lead to death. But there is always a chance for them to be saved. But what if an infant stops breathing? Would you know what to do? There are several similarities between adult and infant CPR but there are also numerous differences. Adult and infant CPR has many similarities. The CPR sequence used by rescuers for both adult and infant CPR is the same. The rescuer must clear the scene, check for responses, check for pulse or respirations, and then call for help. Once CPR is needed, the rescuer must start compressions and give breaths. Also the number of breaths given after compression is the same for an adult and infant at a number of 2. Lastly, the ratio for compressions and breaths for a single rescuer are both 30 compressions for every 2 breaths. Although there are similarities between adult and infant CPR, there are also a lot of differences between the two. When using AED pads the placement and size is entirely different. On an adult victim AED pads are larger while placed on the upper right chest area and the lower left chest area. Using AED pads on infant requires for the pads to be smaller and one to be placed on the front of the chest and the other on the middle of the back. While performing CPR hand placement is crucial. On an adult victim, the hand-over-hand technique is used. On the other hand the thumbs-circling-hands technique is used with an infant victim. A final difference while performing adult and infant CPR is the depth of compressions. On an adult victim the rescuer would do a 5cm depth compression; on an infant the rescuer would do a 4 cm depth compression. Although there are some similarities, there are many differences when dealing with adult and infant CPR. It is very important to know these similarities and differences. Also it is important to know how to perform the techniques used while performing CPR on an adult or infant. If those techniques are done properly, then the routine of CPR will be successful . One day those techniques could save someone's hu sband, wife, friend or family member.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Was Thomas More a medieval, essays

Was Thomas More a medieval, essays Sir Thomas More was an Englishman who lived from 1478-1535. During that time period, he was a well revered and respected man, a chancellor of England who served under Henry VIII. He his most known for two acts; the writing of his book Utopia, and for dying for what he believed in. More was also a Christian Humanist, many of which now view him as a martyr of their cause. Based historical facts, and actions he took, More can be considered more of a rather modern man than a medieval man. Luthers ideas and reforms on Christianity were in direct conflict with the Catholic Church. These ideas, reforms, and thoughts on faith was the spark plug that started the Protestant Reformation. Luther began his career as an Augustinian Monk in the Roman Catholic Church. Consequently, Luther was initially loyal to the papacy, and even after many theological conflicts, he attempted to bring about his reconciliation with the Church. But this didnt last long because Luther waged battle with the papacy. Luther was to become a theologian. This is where he wrote the Ninety-Five Theses. It is usually considered to be the original document of the Reformation. Basically, this document exposed all the wrongs of the Catholic Church from indulgences to immoral behavior of priests. When Thomas More wrote his book, its name showed people how he felt on the subject. He called it Utopia, which means literally nowhere. Why would More write a book on an ideal civilization, and call it nowhere? Most scholars believe, that he was trying to show the people of his time how far they were from an ideal society, and at the same time implying the hopelessness of the human race to ever achieve a Utopia. He deemed it A good place which is no place. Mores book dealt widely on the faults of mankind, and almost nothing with religious aspects. If More was truly a medieval man,...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Character Analysis-Greg Mortenson in THREE CUPS OF TEA Essay

Character Analysis-Greg Mortenson in THREE CUPS OF TEA - Essay Example On one of his mountaineering expeditions to the K2, Greg ends up losing his way and accidentally detours in to the village of Korphe distraught and exhausted where he is warmly welcomed and taken care of by the village chief Haji Ali and his family. This wrong turn in the mountains is what changes his life forever in the most profound and altruistic manner. It is ironic to note that his closest encounter with the most unforgiving and apathetic facets of nature, the K2 often referred to as the ‘Savage Peak’, is what brings out the true human being in him. Greg’s story as well as of those associated with him is one of constant struggle, countless odds and obstacles, personal failures and losses, defeat and ignorance, harsh living conditions and hostile environments and at the same time it is more about hope, change, patience, education and above all the will power and perseverance of the human race to ride against all odds, a quality that extends beyond the boundari es of language, race, region and culture. The fact that the strongest human bonds and relations are built even where there exists no common ground whatsoever is enough to prove that the human race is not about distinctions and boundaries but more about endurance and trust. The attempts of Greg Mortenson to bring peace to a war torn country by educating their underprivileged children is by no means a simple feat. It is Greg’s relentless efforts, undying spirit and ability to get over odds (albeit with much difficulty) that work in his favor. In many senses he is just like any one else. He goes through a myriad of ups and downs (mostly downs in the beginning), struggles to overcome lost love and failed relationships and is unable to successfully maintain focus. There are many instances in the book where we can see his feelings of frustration, anger, disappointment and lack of motivation which cast doubts in his mind in executing the seemingly impossible task that he has embarke d on. But the most valuable lesson he learns from Haji Ali, that of patience, is what ultimately helps him in overcoming his downfalls. And as the book progresses we are able to see clearly how he is increasingly able to adapt to difficult situations and how his patience and determination along with a clear mind help him significantly during many unfathomable situations such as his kidnapping. It is his long term interaction with an otherwise intimidating group of people that actually helps him through the kidnapping fiasco. A reference made of him sipping tea from a plastic mug ‘with a show of enthusiasm, smiling at the men, while he studied them’ (Mortenson, Relin 164) is a good example of this acquired trait. A childhood well spent in Tanzania, one of the less developed parts of Africa, and an upbringing by strong willed independent parents who themselves dedicated their lives to the betterment of the African society that they considered their own definitely had an i mpact on Greg’s life and beliefs. Greg says about his father, â€Å"He taught me, he taught all of us, that if you believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything† (38). His later career in the army only helped reinforce the strength of character that was prominent

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Coercive Power in the Middle East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Coercive Power in the Middle East - Essay Example   The authoritarian government remains in power by opposing political discourse and fighting against reformists. The purpose of such government is to remain in power without necessarily meeting the demands of the nation. In countries such as Iran, the president has always developed mechanisms against any internal dissent. For instance, the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has used his political power to win the election against the will of the people. His re-election in 2009 was a political manipulation, in spite of the internal dissent raised by the public against his election. This shows the effects of coercive power that authoritarian government uses to suppress the will of the people.   Although Middle East countries have shown efforts to develop the country’s economy, it is clear that they have been inefficient due to misdirected priorities. Since the government gives priority to the welfare of the leaders and those close to leadership, they fail to focus on th e shaping of the nation. Economists have criticized heavy economic spending of most Middle East countries on issues such as security and developing international networks that support their leadership. In Egypt, the government has spent a lot of money on security leading to the bankruptcy of its economy. Egypt spends over $2 billion on security, of which the money is the foreign aid that the government gets for the United States. Iran spends over 30 billion that it earns from its government from oil sales to cover for its security framework.   

Monday, November 18, 2019

Diacyl Glycerol in the Context of Diabetic Nephropathy Assignment

Diacyl Glycerol in the Context of Diabetic Nephropathy - Assignment Example Diabetic nephropathy is a serious diabetes complication characterized purposely by albuminuria and glomerular hyperfiltration and it is one of the most known common sources of a final stage of renal failure, especially in the western world. It is characterized by a massive growth of the extracellular matrix with coagulation of the tabular basement covering and the glomerular. A buildup of extracellular matrix proteins such a laminin, fibronectin, and collagen are known to cause mesangial enlargement making most of the kidney cellular elements targets of hyperglycemic damage. During hyperglycemia, the levels of glucose in the proximal tubular cells are increased causing DAG levels to increase (Tomino 16). The DAG accumulation leads to the activation of PKC and overproduction of TGF-ÃŽ ² which may be a negative feedback of intracellular cell accumulation. Through the de novo amalgamation of diacylglycerol (DAG) protein kinase C is activated which leads to further activation of other intracellular indicators in transduction systems like the extracellular regulated kinase (ERK). The activation of the three pathways: DAG, ERK and PKC are one of the most significant molecular mechanisms of the progression and development of diabetic nephropathy (Becker, Bilezikian, Bremner et al 957). By inhibiting the three paths there was a prevention to the development of glomerular dysfunction in diabetic people which proved the hypothesis that the three paths are important in diabetic nephropathy. Thiazolidinedione compounds inhibited PKC activation by ensuring that the DAG kinase was activated which prevented albuminuria, glomerular hyperfiltration and the excessive manufacturing of extracellular matrix proteins for Type 1 diabetes. Researchers have confirmed the signing of the activation of the three pathways in the growth of glomerular dysfunction in diabetic nephropathy. Pathophysiology due to a problem with the signaling pathway: DAG is an upstream deactivator of PKC, a pathway responsible for the excessive formation of urine in the kidneys. When DAG has activated it ensures control of urine in the urine bladder by relaxing its muscles regularly.  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Volvo Group Of Companies and the challenges it faces

Volvo Group Of Companies and the challenges it faces 1 Introduction AB Volvo is the mother company of the Volvo Group of companies with its head office in Gothenburg, Sweden. The company was formed in 1924, with the first Volvo truck rolling off the production line in Sweden in 1928. The Volvo Group is one of the worlds leading suppliers of transport solutions for commercial use, also providing complete solutions for finance and servicing. This mission statement for the company is ‘By creating value for our customers we create value for our shareholders. We use our expertise to create transport-related hard and soft products of the superior quality, safety and environmental care for demanding customers in selected segments. We work with energy, passion and respect for the individual (AB Volvo Group Presentation 2011). Volvo as a group is tremendously proud of the core corporate values of, Safety, Quality and Environment and has retained and lived by these values from the start of the organisation. These three values are evident in every aspect of the business. The Volvo Group has now grown to become the second largest manufacturer globally of heavy trucks, and as illustrated in Figure 1.1 incorporates many different brands. As illustrated in Figure 1.2 , the Volvo Group is separated into business areas and business units. The business areas are responsible for generating revenues for the company and the business units are the recognised support units to support all business areas. Volvo Information Technology (Volvo IT) is the recognised support business unit for information technology strategy and systems support. Volvo IT does not confine their business to the Volvo Group, outsourcing their expertise to such organisations as the Ford motor company and the Stockholm Government. This ensures the Volvo IT is continually benchmarking the Volvo Group to other businesses in the open market to stay in the market forefront. Volvo Group works with external interest groups to continue to develop and drive progress in the transportation industry, especially on projects that align with the corporate values of quality, safety and environmental care. An example project requiring the key involvement of Volvo IT is the Alternative Fuels project. This project is examining a viable replacement of fossil fuels for commercial applications (Alternative Fuels 2011). In the Alternative Fuels project, the Volvo Group is working with customers, suppliers and governments to investigate workable fossil free fuels, with all business areas and units working towards making this possible. Volvo IT is involved to introduce software changes for engine management systems to ensure clean burning of these fuels. The solution is to utilise a centralised and shared IT infrastructure, platform and software application serving content to authorised users over the web. In this report we discuss the IT infrastructure issues and challenges for the Volvo Group and the business benefits and costs of a modern IT model called Cloud Computing. Recommendations are provided as to the adoption of Cloud Computing by the Volvo Group followed by concluding statements. 2 IT Infrastructure: issues and challenges 2.1 IT infrastructure challenges Two of the major components {Laudon, 2010 #159}of an IT infrastructure that must be coordinated by a firm include computer hardware platforms and enterprise software applications ( Laudon Laudon 2010, p. 203). These two essential components of an organisations IT infrastructure ecosystem ( Laudon Laudon 2010, p. 203) are concentrated on in this report as they exhibit the most risk to the Volvo Groups business, but they also provide the most opportunities for an information technology strategy to add business value to the Volvo Group. An information system is defined by Laudon Laudon ( 2010, p. 46) as ‘a set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organisation. In modern organisations, most information systems are implemented via IT infrastructure that includes computer hardware platforms and enterprise software applications. These systems are ‘typically the backbone of an organisations information flow and the main vehicle for consolidating business information ( Bisbal et al. 1999, p. 103) and their failure can have a significant impact on the business. 2.2 Legacy information systems Information systems that have been in existence for a long time and continue to be resistant to modification and evolution due to a high replacement or redesign cost are called legacy information systems ( Brodie Stonebraker 1995, p. 103; Laudon Laudon 2010, p. 634). The evolution or appearance of legacy information systems in an organisation can also typically occur due to mergers and acquisitions ( Macknight 2005, p. 14). As described by Bisbal ( 1999, p. 103), legacy information systems can cause an organisation a number of problems: Running on old or obsolete hardware. Expensive software maintenance. Inflexibility in extending the systems. Difficult to integrate with other systems. Long failure or disaster recovery times. Old and obsolete hardware can be power hungry. Replacement can be expensive or sometimes impossible due to lack of skills or unavailable parts. Some organisations need to maintain spares holding and skills within their organisation to mitigate such risks. Similarly skills in software maintenance and fault-finding may be hard to out-source or outsourced service levels may not align with the needs of the business. The system may need to be flexible and able to integrate with other systems in order to respond to changing business requirements ( Bennett et al. 1999, p. 153) 2.3 The evolution of Volvos global information systems strategy Volvo Group has seen an increase in their legacy information systems mainly due to the impact of company acquisitions over the years. Many areas in the IT infrastructure ecosystem ( Laudon Laudon 2010, p. 203) required particular attention during acquisitions to ensure compliance through coordination of the many components of the ecosystem. Hardware platforms differed as did internet platforms. Data management and storage needed to be centralised. The need to change and centralise was evident. Throughout these acquisitions, the focus of the information management strategy of the Volvo Group has been to ensure key enterprise systems are incorporated into the acquired organisations. The ERP system based on SAP is an example one of the key enterprise systems common throughout the entire Volvo Group. In contrast, supply chain systems have remained as point solutions unique to each business area and physically deployed on a geographically separated basis. As specified by ( Ives Jarvenpaa 1991, p. 34), a ‘global information technology application contributes to achieving a firms global business strategy by using information technology platforms to store, transmit and manipulate data across cultural environments. With AB Volvo being a true global corporation experiencing ongoing growth through acquisition, challenges have presented themselves in most countries with legacy systems across the supply chain. Cultural diversity such as different languages utilised from regional area to regional area continue to discourage the upgrade of legacy supply chain systems. Also, the resultant point solutions all require local IT support. Evidently, having multiple point solutions poses many challenges for the Volvo Group, but it also causes misalignment with their core corporate values. For example, the Volvo Group core value of environmental care leads to goals to reduce energy usage in efforts to reduce the companys carbon footprint. With the multiple point solutions, and many of these being legacy systems, there would be a propensity for excessive energy usage due to the hardware platforms not complying with environmental requirements and other inefficiencies. There are better solutions available. Hospitals in the USA have started to use energy efficient, environmentally friendly hardware, as well as using cloud like technology for patient files access and program access ( Does Green Really Pay Off? Ideas from Hospitals That Say Yes!   2009). 3 Cloud Computing and its business benefits and costs 3.1 Cloud computing explained Cloud computing is referred to as a ‘model of computing by Laudon Laudon ( 2010, p. 196) ‘where firms and individuals obtain computing power and software applications over the Internet, rather than purchasing their own hardware and software. Typically ‘cloud computing infrastructure resides in a large data centre and is managed by a third party ( Jaeger et al. 2008, p. 270). Gilbert ( 2010, p. 1) states that ‘Cloud computing has been recognised as one of the most important developments in information technology in the past 60 years. Globally, organisations are implementing cloud computing solutions in order to reduce costs; be more responsive to market demands; to share information more readily and rapidly; ( Gilbert 2010, p. 1); to provide better customer service, and much more. Cloud computing has been enabled through technological drivers such as reducing communication costs, the internet and its growing speed, smaller footprints required for more processing power and data storage, advances in internet security, virtualisation and much more. Figure 3.1 describes further characteristics of the cloud environment. 3.2 Cloud computing service models Cloud computing services can be provided in three models ( Gilbert 2010, pp. 18-9) Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS), and Software as a service (SaaS). These models are described in more detail in Figure 3.1. For organisations such as Volvo, the cloud computing service models tend towards the use of IaaS and SaaS. The staff of Network World ( 2007, p. 28) quote eBays Paul Strong as stating ‘companies must decide what is core to their business and what can be commoditised as a utility served up by a SaaS (software as a service) provider. Cloud service providers are able to consolidate computing resources enabling cost reductions derived from centralised management and economies of scale, passing on these cost savings to the user of the cloud service who can utilise the service without the initial capital outlay and maintenance of a dedicated infrastructure ( Jaeger et al. 2008, p. 270). 3.3 Cloud computing delivery models Cloud delivery models can be public, private, hybrid or community ( Gilbert 2010, p. 19). These are described in more detail in Figure 3.1. For organisations, cloud computing ‘presents many major problems of information policy, including issues of privacy, security, reliability, access and regulation ( Jaeger et al. 2008, pp. 269-70) with legislation lagging commercial interest in this computing model. In evaluating their potential utilisation of a cloud computing service, organisations would need to consider a range of issues. Two typical issues revolve around trust in the integrity of the service provider. Organisations would need to trust in the ability of a cloud service provider to ensure the security of their valuable private information. There must also be trust in the business continuity of the service provider, along with the ability of the service provider to maintain their quoted service levels ensuring the appropriate access and reliability of the service. Subsequently organisations are more likely to take up a private cloud delivery model for enterprise software applications and computer hardware platforms. For larger global organisations with multiple business units, such as Volvo, a hybrid model of a private cloud and community cloud delivery model would be more desirable. Such a model is illustrated in Figure 3.2 3.4 Cloud computing business benefits to Volvo The Volvo Group can benefit greatly from the use of cloud computing. With the group having its own business unit that handles and manages IT requirements, Volvo Group has an opportunity to reduce costs from infrastructure and hardware duplications, have competitive advantage via speed to market of new services for customers and reducing the costs of good sold into markets via supply chains. Other benefits to the group include much lower cost of entry and capital expenditure, low and transparent cost of ownership, and tax advantages ( OSullivan 2009, p. 21). The supply chain systems within the Volvo Group are characterised as legacy point solutions with regionally located and managed data centres housing multiple software applications and hardware platforms, each providing the same business function. These legacy supply chain information systems would appear to be prime candidates for replacement by a cloud computing solution. Indeed, supply chain systems are one of the types of systems that are quickly moving from their traditional platforms to the cloud computing model ( OSullivan 2009, p. 20). 4 Recommendation of cloud computing adoption/adaptation 4.1 Volvos five year strategy The five year strategy from the Volvo Group is to continue to reduce their environmental impact, produce quality products in all areas of their business and continue to create value to customers and shareholders. A key aspect of the Volvo Groups five year strategy is to continue to reduce the carbon output in all areas of the business (Volvo Truck Corporation Sweden 2011). Laudon Laudon ( 2010, p. 223) provide six factors that should be used to answer the question â€Å"How much should our firm spend on IT infrastructure?†. They are: 1. Market demand for Volvos services These are ever increasing with more services being provided to Volvo Truck Customers through the complete life of the vehicle. 2. Volvo Business Strategy The group will continue to develop services and vehicles that reduce CO2 footprint and lead to better ways of commercial transportation. 3. Volvo information technology strategy, infrastructure and cost A cloud computing model should be considered for the replacement of supply chain information systems and considered for further system replacements and introductions. 4. Information Technology assessment The adoption of a cloud computing model would not be considered to be lagging behind the technology curve, nor would adoption at this stage be considered early. A review of the risks associated with policy associated with the implementation of a cloud computing model should be undertaken before adopting the model. 5. Competitor firms services Many other European competitors are experimenting with cloud computing. 6. Competitor firms IT Infrastructure investments Mercedes Benz are also investing in future services for customers, showing a trend of high IT infrastructure investment for the global market (Daimler Trucks Germany 2011). 7. Investment can be sought into cloud computing on a business case basis, generating revenues for Volvo IT, and reducing costs for Volvo business areas on a user pays system. Investment in IT infrastructure will give a competitive advantage to the Volvo Group. Investment can be sought into cloud computing on a business case basis, generating revenues for Volvo IT, and reducing costs for Volvo business areas on a user pays system. 4.2 Plan to consolidate of legacy supply chain information systems For the replacement of legacy information systems, Volvo Group Australia has the option to upgrade the current local legacy systems and servers. This would result in high upfront and ongoing costs. Another option is to move to centralised systems hosted by Volvo IT with all storage, maintenance and upgrading performed centrally for considerably less cost. Supply chain system workflows typically extend beyond the internal organisation, typically to dealers (retailers). A cloud computing model can connect entire networks of suppliers and service providers providing efficiency and cost savings ( Ford 2010, pp. 57-8). It is recommended that the Volvo IT department adopt a cloud computing model for the replacement of legacy supply chain systems. This model should be based on a global policy taking into account the issues surrounding cloud computing and its characteristic lag behind appropriate legislation and legal precedence. It is expected that the most appropriate model will be a SaaS service model delivered via a hybrid of a Private and Community model with the cloud service provider being Volvo IT. The cloud community members in this model would be the Volvo Groups Business Areas. The recommendation would be to identify all legacy supply chain information systems across the Volvo Group as candidates for replacement by a SaaS solution under the hybrid model. A business case aligning with the Volvo Groups corporate values should be completed for the replacement of each system or groups of systems. A pilot implementation of a cloud computing solution should be utilised as a proof of concept before a larger roll-out. The recommended pilot implementation is the TruckShop SaaS. 4.3 TruckShop SaaS Pilot Volvo Group Australia has the requirement to upgrade an online catalogue purchasing supply chain information system called TruckShop that allows dealers (retailers) to purchase truck parts via suppliers of the Volvo Group. The TruckShop SaaS model would represent the characteristics of Cloud computing, namely on demand service, internet accessibility, pooled resources, elastic capacity and usage based billing ( Goodburn Hill 2010). The service developed for the TruckShop project will be able to be sold to other business areas in AB Volvo to provide similar solutions. TruckShop is currently running on a legacy system platform with local servers in Sydney. Maintenance and upgrade costs are on the increase, with limitations also being evident on performance and capability to meet current user requirements. Energy consumption costs were noted as increasing due to more servers being required to store data. Whilst the costs of hardware had reduced in the last 10 years, the Volvo Group Australia wanted to capture more data to analyse business trends, something evident in most industries globally ( Tallon 2010). The legacy systems also are prone to downtime, costing thousands of dollars in lost revenue while not being available to the dealer network. 4.4 Post TruckShop pilot Should the TruckShop pilot prove successful the system is recommended to be rolled out into other business areas. The continuing success of the TruckShop roll out is expected to result in high availability, high reliability, low entry cost and ongoing cost effectiveness for all users of the system. All new supply chain enterprise system projects, and indeed other candidate enterprise systems within the group would be recommended to proceed with this cloud computing service and delivery model to ensure overall cost reductions, efficiency gains, centralising and amortising maintenance, upgrades and improvements across all business areas. 5 Conclusions For cloud computing solutions, Volvo IT would generate their revenue by charging the Business Area departments based on the number of users. Users could apply for only the access to systems that they required. System updates and improvements would be performed centrally in Sweden, and users would not have to concern themselves with updates nor have to present their hardware to IT to update. The pilot of TruckShop should prove to the company what cloud computing can achieve. Many other business areas in the Volvo Group can benefit from adopting cloud computing practices. With technology being built into Volvo Trucks, and the focus on providing business partnerships more online services will be developed into the future.  

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Role of Faith-based Organisations in Poverty Alleviation Essay

To get a clear understanding of the contributions by faith-based social services and where they stand, it is important to first define a faith-based organization and explore the theories from which they derive. Staff of these organizations may most often share the same faith and provide service in accord with their beliefs. â€Å"For some faith-based organizations, faith is manifest in the act of service itself, conspicuous in the compassion inherent in the way work is performed. For others there are programmatic elements which may include prayer, the teaching of religious values, studying religious texts, and worship. These elements may be implied, rather than explicit -- integrated within an faith-based organizations services or segregated – and may either be mandatory or voluntary as part of a given service† (The Roundtable). Faith-based organizations can be made up of different categories such as, congregation-based, independent religiously-affiliated nonpro fits, large national faith-affiliated social service providers, and coalitions or intermediaries (The Roundtable). To provide a definitive breakdown of each organization could be everlasting, however, each organization involves some of the same aspects. Many of us might be familiar with the larger multi-service faith-based organizations they include: Life Catholic Charities, Jewish Family Services, Lutheran Social Services, Salvation Army, and Volunteers of America (The Roundtable). Faith-based organizations mentioned above are more likely than not to contain explicitly religious elements in their activities. â€Å"The Roundtable staff developed and refined a Faith Integration Scale that places faith-based organizations along a continuum ranging from those that are indistingu... ...ions provided love, nurture, and help which my provide long lasting support to an individual who was once ready to dive into a state of depression. Faith- based organizations work could be viewed as inappropriate in our current time, although little is known about the role that â€Å"faith† plays in bringing about desired change in the lives of social service recipients. In my eyes the services provided are in no way inappropriate. Religious or not, I believe most people have a sense of a higher being which is in control of our lives. Even if religion did not play a factor, faith-based organizations contribute greatly to aiding the ways of poverty. Works Cited Williams, Leslie. â€Å"A Free Clinic Is Providing Desperately Needed Health-Care Cervices In Eastern N.O.† The Roundtable on Religion & Social Welfare Policy. 19 Jun 2006. The Times-Picayune. 10 Oct. 2008

Monday, November 11, 2019

Racial Discrimination Essay

The scene of ghettosThe with poor living conditions of the ghettos in whichwhere black people live is not uncommon. , Iit actually manifests a larger picture of racial discrimination which is closely related to poverty. Racial discrimination is about the pre-conceived notion that black people are inferior; they are more prone to violence and totally relianty on social welfare to survive. As a result of these stereotypical images, black people receive low quality education and they will have less job opportunities, not to mention the limited access to the welfare system. In this essay, we shall discuss whether racial discrimination causes poverty among this minority community in America. Racial discrimination undoubtedly appears in the education system in AmericaAmerica’s education system, as Gordon, Piana and Keleher (2000) points out that the public schools in America failed to provide the same quality education for the blacks compared to the whites. In minority schools where African American and Latino are concentratedthere is a concentration of African-Americans and Latinos, there are limited resources and professionally trained teachers for students. Tthis phenomenon conveys that resources are unevenly distributed among schools as a result of racism. Besides resources and quality of teachers, there is a higher rate of suspension and expulsion for black people, as suggested in the search by Applied Research Center for Expose Racism and Advance School Excellence, suspension and expulsion rate is three times higher for African AmericanAfrican-Americans, with the rate of 56% compared to 18% of general school population. This may be due to the unfairness in treating the treatment of black people in the case of zero-tolerance policies such as the Gun-Free School Act (GFSA) enacted in 1994. It is important to note that schools expel African AmericanAfrican-American students at a disproportionate rate compared to white studentsstudents, as schools seem to have a convenient reason to expel the â€Å"unwanted† students. This clearly illustrates how such kind of policpoliciesy aggravates existing disparities in the education system. Uneven distribution of wealth is also a major problem, causing poverty among black people. It is suggested that due to racial segregation and a controlled political environment by white people, black people usually find it difficult to assimilate themselves into the labor force and civil society (Ducan, 1999). In the U. S. , per capita income of the whites is almost five times more than that of the blacks, which clearly illustrates the serious problem of a widening wealth gap between these twodifferent racial groups. The findings from Mean Racial Wealth Gap across 181 U. S. Metropolitan Statistical Areas shows that the standard deviation of wage between the blacks and the whites is the highest in among comparison toof different racial groups such as Latinos and white people and Asians and white people. , Iit clearly points out that the most severe wealth gap exists between black and white people. However, upward mobility is restricted for the black blacks as they face racial discrimination in the process of hiring and firing. Only about half of working-age black men are employed, compared to two-thirds of white men, but even if black menpeople are employed, they are usually engaged in low-paid jobs so that they can barely affordsupport their daily expenses. It is likely that black people are being exploited in the labor market because they are seen as racial minorities (McCall, 2001). As a result of lower wage rate comparably, black people are more likely to live under the poverty line than white people. It seems to be a logical conclusion that sinceas black people are less able to support themselves, they will become the major beneficiary of the welfare system. However, figures show the opposite situation; , only 7. 7% of retirement insurance are received by black peopleblack people receive only 7. 7% of retirement insurances. Researches also shows that a social welfare other than retirement insurance, such as disability insurance, medical healthcare and housing, benefit black people to a limited extent (Davies & Derthick, 1997). Another example of institutional racism is that in hospitals in AmericaAmerican hospitals, black people will beare segregated from white people, and and they will receive lower quality of medical healthcare services. han white people and Hhospitals that primarily serve the minority community are disproportionately closed without sound reasons (Randall, 2011). All these examples clearly illustrate the fact that equal opportunity isare not provided to people of different races. , Ppeople in need are not being subsidized enough simply because they are black people. The two social problems of, racial discrimination and poverty should not be seen as separated issues. , Iin fact, they are closely correlated in the sense that racial discrimination directly causes poverty. The three arguments above portray a vicious cycle: low education level will cause black people to have less job opportunities, together with limited social welfare, and the resulting ins poverty. When a family does not have enough resources to support their children to receive better education, poverty will pass on to the next generation. Black people end up being socially and economically inferior compared with to white people. Racial discrimination undeniablye creates and perpetuates unbalanced economic opportunitiesy, which should be eradicated in all sense.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

remember the titans Essays

remember the titans Essays remember the titans Paper remember the titans Paper In the early 1970s, two schools in Alexandria Virginia Join together forming T. C. Williams High School. The Caucasian head coach of the Titans is replaced by an African American coach from North Carolina. Tensions rise when players of different races are forced together on the same football team. Many of these conflicts are eased during the two-week training camp. When players returned to Alexandria the players found the city in turmoil due to the forced desegregation of the high school. As the season progresses the teams success caused the community to accept the changes. After the Titans perfect season, the team and the city were closer than ever. The main conflict of the movie was racial segregation between the Caucasian and African American football players and their families. The team confronted many racial differences, but at the end they overcame the problem and acted like real soul brothers after a successful football season together (Titans). Four of the racial haracteristics shown in the movie were Prejudice, racism, discrimination and segregation. Prejudice refers to thoughts and feelings about those groups (Openstax 232). Racism is a type of prejudice that involves set beliefs about a specific racial group (Openstax 232). Discrimination refers to the actions toward them (Openstax 232). Segregation refers to the physical separation of two groups, particularly in residence, but also in workplace and social functions (Openstax 236). Racial Prejudice was presents at all times in the movie. The opening scenes, articularly the information regarding a white shopkeeper murdering a black man and not being found guilty, emphasizes one of the main themes of this film, which is racial discrimination. We see this equality in the Titans, when head Coach Boone makes it clear that the best players will get the starting positions, regardless of their race. Each individual must work hard to earn his place, and the amount of effort required is equal, no matter what color his skin might be. Only with this equal status can any resentment be erased from either side.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on One Special Hour

A memorable hour in my lifetime It seemed like it would make her die, just speaking it. So I didn’t tell anyone, not even my best friends. At school I would slip into dreamland, nobody there knew that I should be troubled. I put on my best face and paraded around e-high’s halls with some sort of smile plastered on my face. At lunchtime I’d stare at my food thinking that my friends should know. I thought of a million different ways to tell them. Each time that I came close to telling them, I would think about their potential reactions. There would be the normal lunchtime banter going on, complaints about schedules, teachers and friends, and I then I blurted it out, Hey guys, my mom has breast cancer†¦.. Then I would stare at my food mentally kicking myself for having opened my mouth. I chose to say nothing. I remember very clearly the day that I went to go sit with her while she got her chemotherapy. I only did this once because it was too hard for me. I walked down an overly-lit sterile h allway trailing behind my dad. When we reached her room I wished that I could just keep walking, pretend I hadn’t seen her. I went in and sat down. Her shirt was partially unbuttoned so that the IV could be inserted into herr arm. She was hooked up to three different kinds of poisons, and one normal IV. There were some blue things spread across her lap and the ever present bag of lemon drops was faithfully at her side. Her head was laid back in the chair, she was tired. She and my dad tried to involve me in some nice chit-chat, I met and shook hands with the doctors and nurses, It’s nice to meet you Dr. Isal. Yeah right. They complimented her on what a beautiful son she had. I smiled politely then excused myself to the bathroom. I wiped away my forming tears and glanced at my watch it was 11:32 AM. I knew that my mom was going through alot as I just took the easy way out by hiding. She wasn’t hiding though she was facing the nightmari... Free Essays on One Special Hour Free Essays on One Special Hour A memorable hour in my lifetime It seemed like it would make her die, just speaking it. So I didn’t tell anyone, not even my best friends. At school I would slip into dreamland, nobody there knew that I should be troubled. I put on my best face and paraded around e-high’s halls with some sort of smile plastered on my face. At lunchtime I’d stare at my food thinking that my friends should know. I thought of a million different ways to tell them. Each time that I came close to telling them, I would think about their potential reactions. There would be the normal lunchtime banter going on, complaints about schedules, teachers and friends, and I then I blurted it out, Hey guys, my mom has breast cancer†¦.. Then I would stare at my food mentally kicking myself for having opened my mouth. I chose to say nothing. I remember very clearly the day that I went to go sit with her while she got her chemotherapy. I only did this once because it was too hard for me. I walked down an overly-lit sterile h allway trailing behind my dad. When we reached her room I wished that I could just keep walking, pretend I hadn’t seen her. I went in and sat down. Her shirt was partially unbuttoned so that the IV could be inserted into herr arm. She was hooked up to three different kinds of poisons, and one normal IV. There were some blue things spread across her lap and the ever present bag of lemon drops was faithfully at her side. Her head was laid back in the chair, she was tired. She and my dad tried to involve me in some nice chit-chat, I met and shook hands with the doctors and nurses, It’s nice to meet you Dr. Isal. Yeah right. They complimented her on what a beautiful son she had. I smiled politely then excused myself to the bathroom. I wiped away my forming tears and glanced at my watch it was 11:32 AM. I knew that my mom was going through alot as I just took the easy way out by hiding. She wasn’t hiding though she was facing the nightmari...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Project Management For Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Project Management For Healthcare - Essay Example IT risks may involve computer viruses, hacking, phishing or completed system crashes. In healthcare these have very high risk levels as they may result in loss of important electronic records for the organization and patients thus wreaking havoc to the whole system. IT risks may also involve the project information being accessed by others who may want to use it. The financial element of project management can also be a potential risk to healthcare projects; if for some reason the organization does not have enough finances for the project then it may be brought to a complete halt. Liability issues are also common in healthcare involving management of patients and their information and thus project managers must put into consideration. Risks coming directly from the project may include doing something for the first time, changes in crucial requirements, poor estimation of resources and lack of clarity in definition of responsibilities. There may also be external risks in the forms of natural catastrophes, and regulations e.g. on manufacturers of medical instruments and pharmaceutical companies. People risks include lack of proper controls, poor relations, lack of leadership, organizational designs being poor, lack of conflict management programs in place and people lacking proper skills to communicate. In conclusion therefore project management for healthcare is not an easy task; so many events some unexpected may pose risks which may make it very hard to successfully run a project. Risks range from IT, issues, financial resources, the environment, people issues and natural events. It is therefore to anticipate challenges upfront when running with projects and plan some mitigation plans in order to ensure the project is a

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Unit 6 PP mini Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 6 PP mini - Coursework Example Diversity is very critical when it comes to the aspect of a high-performance team. An effective team has to have members who have a widespread range of experiences and skills from which to draw for guidance, motivation and support (Melton, 2008). In reference to the birthday planning project, diversity is necessary since the party involves many activities such as decoration, cleaning of the environment, invitation, and purchase of requirements. The team members have to have particular weaknesses and strengths that complement each other. Another example, where diversity is necessary, is during the actual party where each team member is expected to play his/her role for the team to run smoothly. A high-performance team rely on effective communication so as to pool their work efforts (Rad & Levin, 2003). Additionally, there should be effective written and oral communication that is concise and clear. It is also important for each team member to feel contented and able to speak out about his/her given responsibilities making effective communication is vital to the birthday party project. Effective communication allows the team member to provide their creative ideas on the topic, and this is very important for the birthday party. A team member may add an idea, for instance, towards the decoration of the party. Clear goals and expectations drive a high-performance team. Having a team working toward the same objective and should be undoubtedly understood by all the team members (Melton, 2008). Additionally, each team members has to know their responsibilities clearly in the project. In reference to the birthday party project, all the team members should be mindful that the end goal is to create the best birthday party without any setbacks. The team members also have to know their responsibilities properly and take them seriously so as to achieve the end goal. Lastly, members of a high-performance team have to trust each other in

Thursday, October 31, 2019

What is family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What is family - Essay Example With a stable relationship within the family setting, a healthy generation is created to develop the aspect in future generation. The family is formed based on the family values that accord roles to the members within the family. Each of the members is given defined roles to lead to a healthy relationship within the family. When the roles are completed and duties assigned according to the desired provisions, the members are accorded the opportunity to develop positive virtues towards future developments. The younger members of the family are accorded the opportunity to present similar fete to their own creations within the future generation. The stronger members of the family are accorded tougher roles as compared to the other members who are considered vulnerable to harsh environmental presentation. Pauline Erera in her writings explains these relationships in her book Family diversity to accord the family structure and the definition of the entity based on the contemporary values. Erera explains that the family setting and definition has changed in the modern society due to the changed roles of the members. The other aspect that has contributed to the change has been in the varied diversity evident within the setting. She lists that the families that have been developed have observed the role of protection of the members. The article lists the varied family types that have been created from lesbian families to single parent families (Erera 133). However, the article is based on the argument that the family should be based on the traditional values that had been noted to promote peaceful correlation and discipline. Through supportive evidence of the family values and the explanation of the changes in the family structure since the 1970s, Erera supports her claim of the growth within the family value. She explains that families with married couples had been diminishing from the 1970s due to the challenges of the society (Erera 118). The

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Roman Colosseum Essay Example for Free

The Roman Colosseum Essay The Roman Colosseum has had a major influence on many buildings and structures through-out our history. Even to this day it is possible to find its architecture in many different forms. One of todays structures which seems to closely resemble it, is the modern football stadia. Like the Roman Colosseum, many are built in a large oval form,  this is mainly the case in Scotland, whilst in England they tend to be rectangular. The oval shaped stadiums also have the advantage of fitting in a slightly larger crowd, due to the curved sections at each end. The seating arrangements in the modern football stadium are similar to the ones in the Roman Colosseum. They were designed to accommodate thousands of spectators. Most stadiums now are mainly all-seaters, which seems to have been adopted from the Colosseum. The modern football stadium also pays attention to the ease of entry and exit, which played a big role in the plan and structure of the colosseum from the beginning. Both of theses structures were also built with fireproof building materials .This was highly important for the safety of both these constructions, as they were constantly dealing with huge crowds of spectators. Like the colosseum, modern football stadiums are also equipped with shelters. There are also many differences between these two structures, mainly because the football stadium is an evolved version of the Roman Colosseum, and therefore uses different construction methods, for example, the football stadium is made out of steel or reinforced concrete with cantilevered roofs, whilst the Colosseum was built using brick and stone with concrete vaults. Some of the main changes in todays stadium seem to be of increasing size and  improving facilities. Most now have shops, bars, restaurants, extensive car parks and various other means to make the spectators visit comfortable. This was not available in the Colosseum. The modern football stadia no longer speak the classical language of architecture, however, they are all large enough to have a major impact on the areas in which they are built, which is a similar architectural gesture to that of the Colosseum.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Defining Rural Tourism And Farm Tourism Tourism Essay

Defining Rural Tourism And Farm Tourism Tourism Essay India is sitting on the blitzkrieg of becoming a super power and it is the Indian rural sector that is going to drive that super growth. The Government of India has made rural economic development in general, and rural infrastructure development in particular, is a key priority. India has launched the Bharat Nirman (Building India) program, which entails investing over US $ 40 Billion, equivalent to 5 per cent of FY2005 GDP, in six critical areas of rural infrastructure over four years starting from 2005. A part of this project aims at improving the tourism and recreation in these areas. Jafari and Ritchie (1981) defined tourism as an interdisciplinary study which integrates a variety of subjects, disciplines and focuses and can be seen from numerous points of views and approaches. The tourism as a central study can be studied from many focuses and created into a new form tourism development model as pictured below. (3) A consequential element resulted from the two preceding elements which is concerned with effects on the economic, physical and social subsystems. Some external variables such as rising earnings, mobility increase, level of education increase, and desire to escape from pressure of day-to-day urban living generate effective demands on tourism which stimulate the rise of various forms of tourisms such as recreational tourism, cultural tourism, health tourism, conference tourism, historical tourism, eco tourism, etcetera (Wall and Mathieson, 1982). Defining rural: Definitions of rural vary both in scale and philosophy. They tend to express cultural differences between and functional requirements within, regions and countries, the varying parameters of which supranational overviews have attempted to grapple. While national governments use specific criteria to define rural often based on the population density of settlements there is no universal agreement on the critical population threshold which distinguishes between urban and rural populations (Boedewes, 1981). OECD defines rural area as At a local level a population density of 150 persons per square kilometre is the preferred criterion. At the regional level, geographic units are grouped by the share of their population that is rural into the following three types: predominantly rural (50%), significantly rural (15-50%) and urbanized rural (15%) (OECD, 1994). According to National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) rural areas in India are defined as those areas which have a population density Defining rural tourism and farm tourism: A variety of terms are employed to describe tourism activity in rural areas: agritourism, farm tourism, rural tourism, soft tourism and several others which have often been used interchangeably. The term agri/farm tourism often used to describe all tourism activities in rural areas more frequently related to tourism products which are directly connected with the agrarian environment, agrarian products or agrarian stays: staying on a farm or near the fields, educational visits, meals, recreational activities and such ( Sharpley and Sharpley, 1997). Agrotourism is businesses conducted by farmers whose working agricultural operations for the enjoyment and education of visitors. In extensions meaning, agrotourism presents the potential generating farm revenues and increasing profitability. Additionally, visitors of agrotourism contact directly with farmers and support the increase of agriculture products indirectly (Jolly and Reynolds, 2005). Farm tourism is largely considered as a subset of rural tourism and is quite often based on an active working farm and farmer (Nilsson, 2002). Clarke (1996) elaborates that in farm tourism, the core essence of farming, its scenic beauty, accommodation and activities such as farming, riding a tractor, picking produce are preserved and involves tremendous experience in its activities. Activities on farm offer experience and opportunities to learn about the rural life and agriculture technique of the country, to understand and experience the preserved tradition, calmness, peace, clean fresh environment, contact with animals and traditional farm meals (Nilsson, 2002 and Fleischer and Tchetchik, 2005). Key elements of pure farm tourism (Lane 1994): Located in rural areas Functionally rural: built upon rural worlds special features of small scale enterprise, open space, contact with nature and the natural world, heritage, traditional societies and traditional practices Provides personalized contact Rural in scale-both in terms of buildings and settlements and therefore usually small scale Traditional in character, growing slowly and organically and connected with local families. It will often to be largely controlled and developed for the long term good of the area Of many different kinds, representing the complex patterns of rural environment, economy, history and location. A high percentage of tourism revenue benefiting the rural community. Tourism versus Farm Tourism: According to Shaw and Williams (2004), there have been various definitional issues regarding what tourism is. They indicate that a broad outlook of tourism allows for the identification of tourism between countries and also tourism within a country. Vanhove (2005) sees tourism is seen as any activity related to momentary movement of people to a place outside their normal places of residence and employment, and the activities they engage in during the stay. Farm tourism began in earnest after World War II, although its beginning is rooted in the concept of social tourism that was popular in the 1920s and 1930s (Pearce, 1990). Farm tourism as used by Roberts and Hall (2001) refers to stays in rural homesteads where farming is practiced either full-time or part-time. Farm tourism is often used interchangeably with agritourism (Oppermann, 1997). Farm tourism is a sub-division of agritourism. It involves activities carried out on working farms where the working environment forms part of the product from the perception of the consumer (Roberts and Hall, 2001). Farm tourism involves engaging the farm more than the primary production of food, fibre and raw materials. It may sometimes involve activities off the farm in addition to accommodation on the farm (Roberts and Hall, 2001). A number of studies on farm tourism consider it as an economic alternative for farmers who are facing decreased profits and difficulties generated by the agricultural crisis and restructuring. The opportunity to engage in activities that are negatively correlated with farming and the prospect of increasing farm income by spreading costs is probably the greatest advantage of incorporating tourism into the farm business. Because of the problems in agriculture, diversification has been viewed as a means of survival for farm business, with tourism thought to be an attractive and feasible option open to farmers (Glenn et al. 1997). There has been a discussion on the livelihood assets of farm households in the context of human (i.e. skills and knowledge), economic (i.e. land, capital and labour), environmental (i.e. landscape features, clean air and water), social (i.e. networks and social interaction), cultural (i.e. include history, tradition, folklore and cultural heritage) and political (i.e. decision making power and influence on policies) that are available for and that can be exploited in the diversification process. In essence, when farmers utilize the potential opportunity for farm tourism and diversify, they shield themselves against the constraints of the cost-price squeeze and income decline (Barlett, 1993). Significance of farm tourism: Various estimates suggest that tourism in rural areas make up 10-20% of all tourism activity. Lane (1994) survey pointed out that there is absence of any systematic source of data on rural tourism, since neither the World Tourism Organization(WTO) nor the Organization for economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has appropriate measures. Several constraints on accurate and comparatively meaningful data relating to rural tourism and recreation therefore persist: Differences in national definition and enumeration: one country may include only farm and nature tourism, while another will consider many economic activities outside of urban areas to be a part of rural tourism; Many rural tourists and recreationalists are excursionists (day visitors) rather than those who make overnight stays (the extend of whom can to be some extent be measured in terms of bed-nights) Rural tourisms very diversity and fragmentation whereby tens of thousands of enterprises and public initiatives are active across the world. Rural environments have a long history of being managed for recreation purposes and this symbiotic relationship has had important impacts on both environment and activity. Farm tourism is one area under rural tourism, which is a sub-division of rural tourism that can help generate income and employment (Novelli and Robinson, 2005 and Sharpley and Sharpley, 1997). Hence, farm tourism is becoming widely seen as a means to tackle the socio economic problem of rural and agricultural sector (Sharpley and Vas, 2005). As farm tourism has the potential to offer experiential service to tourist, understanding this experience proves beneficial to improve service (McIntosh and Bonnemann, 2006), also as farm tourism takes places in rural setting offering traditional service; understanding tourist motivation seems important. Range of tourism and recreation activities in rural areas ( Thibal 1988) modified Touring Hiking Cycling Nature parks Bird watching Rural heritage studies Local industrial, agricultural or craft enterprises Courses in crafts Artistic expression workshops Folk groups Cultural, gastronomic and other routes Water related activities Fishing Swimming Boating Hallmark events Rural sporting events (eg, Jallikatu sport in Tamil nadu) Agricultural shows Business related Small scale conventions Incentive tourism short brakes Passive activities Relaxing holidays in a rural milieu Nature study in outdoor settings Photography Landscape appreciation Embacher (1994) identifies the contributions of farm tourism to the farming sector. The first recognition is that farm tourism provides more economic income for farmers, thus the farmers are able to cope and remain self employed in times of negative changes in the prices of agricultural produce/commodities. The second is that farm tourism provides an avenue for the direct sale of produce from farm. The third is that farm tourism contributes to the economic survival of farmers experiencing the effects of stiff competition, and changes in agricultural and trade policies. Impacts of farm tourism: Although tourism continues to be viewed by some as a panacea for the economic and social ills of the countryside it: Is essentially an economic tool Needs to be part of a portfolio of strategies contributing to successful rural development Is not appropriate in all rural areas, but opportunity costs and factors for its comparative advantage will vary considerably from one type of rural area to another. Economic factors reducing tourisms effectiveness as a rural development tool include income leakages, volatility, a declining multiplier, low pay, and imported labour, the limited number of entrepreneurs in rural areas and the conservatism of investors. Rural tourism is better suited to act as a complement to an existing thriving and diverse rural economy (Butler and Clark 1992). Tourism plays an increasingly important and diversified role in local development, especially in revitalizing and reorganizing local economies, and improving the quality of life. Tourist flows can be generators of at least supplementary income in farming, craft and service sectors. Rendering the possibility to realize the economic value of specific, quality based production of food stuff as well as of unused and abandoned buildings, unique scenery, space and culture. Despite often being characterized by host-guest differences, rural tourism can open up the possibility of new social contacts, especially in breaking down the isolation of more remote areas and social groups. Opportunities to revaluate heritage and its symbols the environment and the identity of rural places is also promoted by rural tourism. Rural tourism development strategies should assist policies of environmental and social sustainability (Cavaco, 1995). Farm tourism generates a significant contribution to the rural development process in rural areas and does indeed do so in many cases (Busby and Rendle, 2000). The contributions could be in the forms of income increase and job opportunities, exchange between rural and urban areas, multiplier effects particularly for small-scale direct investments, strengthening local or regional structures by creating networks and the like, stimulating physical infrastructure developments, increasing the diversity of economic activities, raising awareness of the value of an area, such as its landscape, nature and culture, and the economic potencies, as well as improving the infrastructure which enable to provide opportunities for other economic developments. The negative impacts of agrotourism development will occur when the development ignores the development principles and ethics. The potential negative impacts which may occur such as degradation of environment and local culture qualities, and economics gaps among the regions (Henegan, 2002) Concept of Farm Diversification Fundamental processes of restructuring, the decline in farm income and a dwindling farm population have characterized the agricultural sector of industrial society. Tapping into opportunities such as farm tourism can have significant potential for farmers. The identification and promotion of farms as a result of their location, natural attraction and tourist-oriented facilities is essential in the process of diversification. The key feature of diversification is that it seeks to encourage investment in sectors that are usually different from those in which recent hardships have befallen (Lobao, L. and Meyer, 2001). There are three common means of farm diversification (The Centre for Rural Research (2003). The first is agricultural diversification which is the use of farm resources to produce new sources of income (e.g. crop products, animal products, and farm woodland). The second is structural or business diversification. In this case, farm households have a variety of income from business activities (e.g. tourism, and value added activities) that are run on the farm or are partly dependent on the farm based land and capital assets. The third is passive diversification which includes leasing of agricultural land and buildings. Factors that Determine Diversification into Farm Tourism Shaw and Williams (2004) shed light on the factors that influence the decision of farm households regarding diversification and what types of alternative enterprise to diversify into. These factors according to Wheelen and Hunger (2004) are the external and internal stimuli. The external stimuli stems from the external environment. They refer to the opportunities and threats that the farm household is exposed to (e.g. external capital sources, legal frameworks, market trends, change in technology, and sociocultural trends). The internal stimuli refer to strengths and weaknesses that are likely to determine if the enterprise will be able to take advantage of opportunities. These internal stimuli include profitability, availability of time, and family life course. More apparent farm tourism activities include accommodation, (e.g. bed breakfast, farm accommodation, ranch) and recreational activities (e.g. wildlife viewing, hunting, fishing, and horseback riding) (Clarke, 1996). Others include educational activities (e.g. garden or nursery tours, historical agricultural display tours, and agricultural technical tours), direct farm product sales (e.g. on the farm sales of farm produce, pick your own operations, and sale of agricultural related crafts), entertainment activities (e.g. barn dances, harvest festivals and hunting) (Matthews, 2004). Motivation : Tourists opting for rural tourism such as farm tourism do so in order to satisfy their needs, wants and are likely to chose destinations that are not just rural in physical features but also stimulate them psychologically through the image it portrays (Frochot, 2005 and Bramwell and Lane 1994). Sharpley (1996) stresses that tourist opting for tourism in rural areas are in fact trying to seek peace tranquillity, space, authenticity, tradition, simplicity all of which would help urban dwellers relieve stress. According to study conducted by Hopkins (1998) revealed that the motivational factors for tourist to respond to rural tourism advertisements was because it satiated the desire to escape to different environment in order to enjoy experience of different quality and authenticity. Another study conducted by Huang and Tsai (2003) reports that the prospects of socializing and interacting, participating and experiencing novel situations, escape from stressed life were some underlying mo tives for travel to rural destinations. These motives could also be applicable for farm tourists. Hence, it can be assumed that evidently urban dwellers are motivated to opt for farm tourism to escape from the stressful, mundane life. In order to understand tourist travel behaviour Crompton(1979) mentions that identifying motivation is the key factor. Motivation surfaces the reason behind travel and participation in travel activities (Jang, Bai, Hu, Wu, 2009). The literature constantly mention that motivation is the driving force that make individuals take actions( Park and Yoon, 2009). Hence, it is crucial that study be conducted on tourist motivation as it would aid point out elements that could be promoted inorder to entice tourist to particular destination that match their motivation to travel(Kozak, 2001). Motivation is the key to create attitude for opting a destination and also generating expectation which when fulfilled, all ultimately forms the bases that influences the image of a destination (Rodriguez del Bosque, San Martin, Collado and Garcia de los Salmones,2009). Though motivation reveals the key question why people travel, it also helps understanding the psychological factors ( Gnoth, 1997, Goossens , 2000). Moutinho (2000) mentions motivation as the dominant component that influences human behaviour. It also serves as a driving force to satiate individuals physiological and psychological needs ( Berkman, Lindquist and Sirgy, 1997). According to Cohen (1974) studies undertaken to understand the motives behind travel help realize the social and psychological facts of tourism. Thus motivational reasons can be seen as a psychological need that cause disequilibrium and is satiated through travel experience( Crompton, 1979 ; Kim, Crompton and Botha, 2000). In other words, the motivation to travel arises when individuals desire to fullfill their need deficiency ( Mill and Morrison, 2002). Maslows theory of needs seems to be widely adapted in literature, however researcher also point out the theory weakness and mention that motivation to fullfill ones needs, need not start from bottom to up but multiple needs could arise in random order in Maslows hierarchy( Goebel and Brown, 1981). Criticism of Maslows hierarchy of needs theory also includes that the concepts are generalized and posses a barrier to be tested, as precise measuring to understand the flow of needs is not possible( Schniffman and Kanuk, 1997). The earliest study on identifying motives behind travel were put forth by Lundberg(1971), by identifying assumed 18 motivation factors. Later on bases on indepth interview Crompton(1979) based on this study put forth 9 motives that influence people to travel and were based on sociopsychological and cultural motives or push and pull motives. Sociopsychological needs or push factor are internal and influence individuals to travel and pull factor are external that influeces individual to travel to a particular destination because of its influencing attraction on the pull factor(Oh, Uysal and Weaver, 1995). For example the desire to escape for a stress life could be considered as the push factor and with farm tourism capable to offer scenic calm uncrowned environment could be considered a pull factor that might satiate an individuals need to escape. Understanding motivation has also interested studies related to decision making, market segmentation and destination choice(Jang, Bai, HU an d Wu, 2009). These factors were then generalized by Goeldner and Ritchie(2003) under the typology such as (a) physical (b) cultural (c) interpersonal (d) prestige. Authors commonly accept Cromptons model when it comes to the study of tourist motivation as it helps understand tourists intangible intrinsic motive behind choice of destination ( Kozak, 2001 and Bansal and Eiselt, 2004). Several studies have gone about adapting Cromptons theory to find motivational factors of nationalities, senior citizens, influence of motivation on satisfaction, motives to select particular destination ( Yuan, McDonald, 1990; Zhang and Lim 1999; Yoon and Uysal, 2005; Jang and Wu, 2006). Though studies on motivations have been carried out extensively, few studies have been undertaken to understand motivation in rural settings (Park and Yoon, 2009). For this research, which will be undertaken in India, the researcher would adapt Cromptons theory to understand motives of tourist in farm tourism. From the literature, it suggests that quite evidently the motives by Crompton seem to form the backbone to understand motives of tourist to opt farm tourism. Experience: Rural tourism is know for its diversity and versatility and is commonly used as a subsititute to farm tourism, ecotourism , nature tourism or wildlife tourism; however in reality the above terms are specific to tourism with distinct activities, however with a common underlyning factor that all these forms of tourism take place in a rural setting( Sharpley, 1996). Previous researches have concentrated heavily on service delivery and service performance, however now there is growing need to have an understanding of experience derived from service industry such as tourism( Schmitt, 1999 and Pine and Gilmore, 1999). This suggests that academia lacks the study on experience derived by customers. In todays world of service industry, the importance for understanding experience has gained momentum (Miranda, 2009). Experience can be defined as events that engage individuals in a personal way ( Bigne and Andreu, 2004,p692) or the subjective mental state felt by participants during a service encounter ( Otto and Ritchie, 1996, p 166). Tourist perceive their own experience based on personal motivation and underlying reason they wish to fullfill whilst participating in activities( MacIntosh and Prentice 1999). Experience involves intermingling of various elements that fuses and influence tourist senses (Shaw and Ivens, 2002).Experience occurs when conscious state of mind is stimulated through thoughts and feeling. ODell ( 2005) mentions experiencescape as a space where individuals have the control and freedom to interact with the environment and enjoy feeling of pleasure and entertainment. Such a feeling could also be derived when engaging in farm tourism. Experience can be studied either from a marketing approach or social science approach(Mosseberg, 2007). For the study of farm tourism the researcher finds social science approapriate for farm tourism. Since from the social science perspective tourist are keen to derive experience that is different from the normal daily experiences and wish to participate is new and different activities ( Quan and Wang, 2004). This seems similar to tourist opting farm tourism as they would wish to derive a completely different feeling. The experience derived by customers from services can be generalized however experience depends on the level of participation of tourist into experiential activities offeredPine and Gilmore(1999). It is likely that tourist though would be motivated to enjoy different experience would rather not be through active participation but by passive unplanned activities (Ryan, Hughes and Chirgwin, 2000). This suggests that it is likely for tourists wanting to consume the experience of the activities in the farm, to participate either actively or passively. Service industry offering such experiential service need to concentrate and put in efforts to understand the experience perceived by consumer participating in such activities ( Schmitt, 2003). In order to do so Schmitt(2003) divided experience under sense experience that aids consumer satiate the need for scenic and tranquillity. The need for fun and pleasure as experience to feel, the desire to acquire knowledge and understand novelty as t hink-experience, Act-experience that would enhance ones lifestyle, and lastly the relate- experience that enhances ones connection and relation with others providing a feeling of importance and belonging. Xu and Chan(2010) in their discussion on experience in tourism acknowledge the dimensions of experience put forth by Otto and Ritchie, 1996 has been proved to be of value and valid for the study of experience. Hence the dimensions of experience can also be applied to understand the experience derived from the experiential services offered in farm tourism Tourists whilst consuming the experience from activites or services, could be influence with the environment the physical feature that surround the activity and this has an impact on perception of experience (Bitner, 1992). Business sectors are now focusing on studying and understanding experience and are trying to constantly create the environment in business that would provide better unique experience that would help attract more consumers. Consumers now are in the look out of activities which can be self controlled and also provide unique valued experience( Mossberg, 2007) Tourist business are putting in efforts to create such services and circumstances that could provide experience that customers are looking for and are also trying to develop strategies to attract tourist(Gilmore and Pine 2002). However, farm tourism is undoubtedly full of natural experiential activities that have the potential to offer consumers with unique experience and by understanding the experience that tou rist go through whilst indulging in farm activities, which is also the focus of this research would help in promotion that is more effective and attract more tourists. As tourism in rural settings such as farm tourism has tremendous opportunity to offer varied experience, this would positively attract to the market and could also serve as a motive for tourist to opt for such tourism (Getz and Page, 1997). When tourist consume experience, it could also be in tangible form such as the purchase of artifacts, which serves as a reminder and rejuvenation of the experience derived( Onderwater, Richards and Stam, 2000). Hedonic consumption, related to desires to undergo varied experience and when certain products are able to provide such desired experience it appeals and attracts consumers and could be considered to be a motivational factor fulfilling the desire ( Mowen and Minor, 1998). Hence, the study might help understand the experience that tourists undergo on farms and if this has been an influence on motivational factor. Bansal and Eiselt (2004) mention that experience or hedonic components of an activity are incorporated in the motive for travel. Which is also supported by Foster(1999) as he considers experience as a critical part in tourist motivation. The satisfaction of experience also directly relates to realization of motives to travel (Ross and Iso-Ahola, 1991). Thus if experien ce offered by activities in farm tourism and experience that tourist wish to seek are know it would also help satisfy the motives and in turn attract more market wishing to seek similar satisfaction. Studies examining the experiences provided at attraction to tourist is increasing( McIntosh and Siggs, 2005 ; Schanzel and McIntosh, 2000). Thus offering knowledge on the important relation tourism encounters have on visitor and their impact on providing unique benefits and satisfaction. Hence Pearce 1990 recognises the fact that tourist opting for destinations such as farm tourism have more mature motives and also expect for personal and meaningful experience above all. This suggests that apart from understanding the motives to travel to farm it is also vital to understand experience offered by farm activities.