Friday, October 25, 2019

Letter to State Official On Gay Rights :: essays research papers

Dear Mr. Governor: Since I was in third grade, I have learned that there are certain "inalienable rights", the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, all of which the United States government is committed to protecting for every human being. I understand that you will soon have the opportunity to look at a bill which would allow gay marriage to be legalized, and I ask you to not veto this bill, but to support these inalienable rights to which every American is due. Whatever happened to all men are created equal? It seems to me that the people of America have a certain standards to the â€Å"all men† part of that statement, which is, that they need to be heterosexual in order to be considered for being treated equal. Americans are so proud of their freedom and their liberty, yet they are so anxious to take that same freedom away from someone else. Why can’t we take that statement for what it is, and start treating everyone equally regardless of his or her race, gender, or sexual preference? Homosexuals should be entitled to all the same rights as heterosexuals have. They are no different than the rest of us, they simply choose to practice there intimate life in a different way. What is marriage? Recently, people argue with respect to the definition of marriage. To get married is a very important event for almost everyone, it is often considered to be one of the single most important decisions and days of ones life. However, what would you do if you could not get married to the person that you loved because it was socially unacceptable and the law would not allow it? Sometimes it seems as if we are reverting back in history when interracial marriages were the topic of discussion, people were against interracial marriages because they did not understand. Now, people are against same-sex marriages for the same reasons. The United States is denying two people who love each other the right to legally be married. Gays and lesbians are just like heterosexuals, they want there marriages to be recognized by the law. They are like any normal couple and want a marriage to prove and show their love for one another. They want that simple document that the government gives to heterosexuals which binds two people into a marriage.

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