Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Human-wk7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human-wk7 - Essay Example I would think that educators would help students identify goals for their education. As an example, students may want to set a goal that would bring them a better life. They may see this type of gal as long-term and may find another way to identify shorter term goals but they may first need to be exposed to education that helps them identify what they want. Self-regulation comes into play as children would reflect on their wants and needs. Reeve (2009) suggests that this happens as people begin to define goals and work towards them. As they begin to move towards their goals, they also begin to identify whether the goals they have set are working or need to be changed. In educating teens, I would think that educators would also set goals for what they wanted children to learn. Reeve also talks about self-regulation as a skill that must be developed. I would facilitate self-regulation with teens by exposing them to people from Liberia who had set goals and realized them. Plans-- my plans were to begin my Masters and continue it once I began. I think my plan was too big at the time because I did not take into consideration that raising a family and working full time would be difficult. Goals -- I set several goals in my head but I never wrote them down. I wanted a Masters degree because I felt it would bring more money but it was too difficult trying to do school, work full time and take care of my family. Smaller goals would have been better and would have stopped me from feeling so overwhelmed. Personal strivings--I always wanted a Masters degree in counseling because I wanted to help people. I wanted the goal to be completed quickly and I thought I could do it while working full time. I was not able to do it in that way. Implementation intention -- I did not have a specific plan for my Masters degree. I only wanted to have one. If I had set specific goals for completion like I have now, I may have been

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