Monday, September 30, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird Review

Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is regarded as one of the great pieces of literature of its time. It is universally respected because the author uses the common experience of growing up, through the eyes of his narrator Scout, to speak about intense topics such as racism, injustice, and prejudice in the Southern United States in the 1930’s. Atticus Finch states during the story, â€Å"you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view†¦ until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. Harper Lee helps us understand the issues that matter to him in To Kill a Mockingbird using the universal experience of growing up through the eyes and skin of a child, the main character and narrator, Scout Finch. In the beginning, Scout has a great deal of respect for her father, Atticus. Although, she has a tremendous amount of respect for him, her attitude toward him is self-centered and childish. She feels that he is an old man and canâ €™t do very much. After the trial of Tom Robinson however, Scout sees her father put himself in a very dangerous position, risking his life to fight for what he believes is right by defending an innocent black man in the racist south. Her father teaches her, â€Å"In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man, the white man always wins. They’re ugly, but those are the facts of life. † Through this experience, Scout gains more respect for her father and realizes the sometimes harsh realities of the world she is living in, that life isn’t all childish games. She sees that her father is a hardworking man with good morals, who does the right thing even if it’s hard and dangerous. In this way, we witness her point of view growing up. It is obvious in the first couple of chapters that Scout has very little patience for everyone and can lose her temper in an instant. For this reason, when people (mainly children) make her mad even just a little, that she gets in plenty of fights with them and ends up getting in trouble. However, during an afternoon at her house with Aunt Alexandra and her missionary circle, Scout decides that she needs to learn to become a woman. The ladies wore powder and rose, smelled good, and gossiped over coffee cups and refreshments. Scout admits, â€Å"I wondered at the world of women†¦ There was no doubt about it, I must soon enter this world, where on its surface fragrant ladies rocked slowly, fanned gently, and drank cool water. During this luncheon, it’s one of the first times in the story you see Scout attempt to choose her words more carefully and care what others were thinking of her. In this way, you see Scout attempting to have a more grown up manner of acting. Scouts ability to see the world through other people’s eyes changes throughout the course of the story, but finally at the end when she meets Boo Radley. At first, Scout and her brother Jem were very curious along with being scared of Boo Radley. They wanted to see who he was so badly that they tried peeking into the Radley house but were unsuccessful. However, at the end when Boo saves Jem and Scout from being killed by Bob Ewell and Scout finally meets Boo, she realizes that he really isn’t a very bad or scary man after all. She walked Boo home and stood on the Radley front porch and saw the world from Boo’s point of view. A quote came from Atticus when Scout told him â€Å"he was real nice†, and Atticus replied: â€Å"Most people are Scout, when you finally see them†.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Duties and Responsibilities in Ones Work Role Essay

1. Describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role As a practitioner, we are obliged to adapt to different sittings for children and young people. Every setting will offer certain benefits and sometimes drawbacks. When working with children and young people, we need to respect the duties and responsibilities of our own work role, The effective practice as a team member will depend on communicating with co workers and heads. One must respect confidentiality of every child and the parents too. You must always put the parents first as the primary care giver of the child. Information concerning a child/children should never be shared or given out to anyone who may ask. Data protection must be respected. Physical punishment must never be implemented upon a child. They are many ways to show that the child’s needs to be corrected. You could use the â€Å"Time Out† system. This is a discipline technique that involves placing children in a boring place for several minutes. There the child will realise that he/she has misbehaved. Time out really means time out from any attention. There could sometimes be cases where the child/children come from different countries hence their different beliefs. We must respect all different beliefs and be careful when working with the kids during activities. One example could be, don’t mention â€Å"pigs† if doing a farm animal activity when a Muslin child is present in class. It could cause problems and upset the specific child/children. This is why, as a practitioner, we must so our homework and make sure cases like this will not arise. This is respecting their customs. All children should be treated equally and never have â€Å"favourites†. When staff meetings take place we must always respect anyone’s contribution and also to other people (outsiders) like social workers, speech therapists, physiologists etc. These people may be very important in the help of any child/children that might have a disability or certain needs. Whenever a child may act in a different way and maybe trying to attract attention, this should not be discarded. It may be that a certain child is abused at home and is reaching out for help. The best thing one should do is to speak to your superior and then to Setha, the abuse centre in Malta, to seek advise as how to go about handling the given situation. All the above mentioned are vital elements to relay duties and responsibilities of our own work role. Once these vital elements are put into practice, we should create a happy, safe environment for the children concerned.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Obama's position Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Obama's position - Assignment Example Thirdly, a nation’s secrets are vital since they will play a fundamental role in shaping the efficacy of security controls and measures set by the government. If the secrets are given to the public, it implies that the terrorists will be aware that their links are being monitored, and this may undermine security. Therefore, the president’s position to order killing of someone who is a threat to security without disclosing the reason is good because it will tighten the security measures by preserving the nation’s secrets of the nation. However, there are arguments against this stand first because human rights ought to be emphasized and no one should have the sole right of determining another person’s destiny. Secondly, the United States constitution provides for fair trial of any person accused of crime and imposing death implicitly is going against the constitution. Thirdly, the President ordering the killing of a United States citizen or any other person could have political reasons, and this means that it would not be fair if the suspected person were not tried in the courts to determine the viability of the claims placed against

Friday, September 27, 2019

[Banking and Management] Assess the advantages and limitations of Essay

[Banking and Management] Assess the advantages and limitations of universal banking OR all purpose financial institutions - Essay Example tional economic investments, the Chinese banking sector has undertaken the strategies of integrating investment services, advisory and underwriting service, home finance and asset management under the same umbrella of the commercial services provided the banks. The universal banking service offered by the Chinese state-owned banks has certain advantages as well as the limitations. On one hand, the aspect of universal banking enables the banks to increase their sales revenues and profitability by catering to the investment demands of the worldwide markets apart from the commercial services. The limitations of offering universal banking products and services lay due to the fluctuation of international economic conditions and the fluctuation of interest rates, exchange rate that would increase the risk exposure of the investment services. The concept of universal banking includes a wide range of financial services provided by the banks in order to cater to the regular banking as well as the investment needs of the customers. The aspect of â€Å"all purpose financial institutions† is related to offering comprehensive service to the customers that also help the banks to diversify the risk of their business. The various banking products and solutions that are offered under the system of universal banking includes savings and deposits accounts, loans and credit services, management of assets, investment service, underwriting services, financial analysis, advisory services, processing of payments, etc. However, banks may choose to offer specific products and services in a universal banking system depending on their specializations. The Chinese banks have been recently named by a magazine as the one of the world’s largest and profitable banks in the world (Linda and Julapa, 2000, p.33). However, this does not mean that the Chinese banking sector is more resilient to the complexities of international economies. Although developments in the Chinese banking sector have

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The great depression Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The great depression - Research Paper Example The depression drastically changed living standards worldwide as people suffered losses of wealth and regular income. However, the depression initiated several policy responses to change the economic downturn. The period also witnessed the growth of the labor unions and various welfare schemes were introduced by the US government to cater for the unemployed. Several key government regulations and policies were also introduced to counteract the effect of the depression. Some of these policies did not help in improving the situation and contributed to a slower recovery period. It was only after the World War II that the country’s economy was back on the recovery track with increases in consumer spending and rises in employment (Romer; Smiley). The great depression caused huge declines employment, industrial production and growth and deflation in all countries worldwide. Beginning in the United States in the summer of 1929, the effect of the depression spread far and wide across many countries in Europe and Latin America and in Japan. The depression worsened during late 1929 and lasted up to 1933. During this period the industrial production in America declined by 47 percent and the GDP reduced by 30 percent. The wholesale price index or the deflation rate slumped by 33 percent and the unemployment rate increased by 20 percent (Romer). Several causes have been attributed to have caused the great depression. Monetary contractions by the Federal Reserve and a general decline in consumer spending are considered to be principle causes that initiated the depression. The stock market grew explosively during the 1920’s with the stock prices reaching its peak in 1929. In order to curb this rapid rise in stock prices the Fed eral Reserve increased the interest rates which caused the initial decline in consumer spending. This was followed by a gradual decline in stock prices which eventually led to rapid selling as investors began to lose

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Exam Reviewer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Exam Reviewer - Essay Example The mission and vision is important to the stakeholders, especially customers and suppliers (Etzon & Struben, 2011). Analysis of stakeholders’ Importance Government. The Israeli government’s importance includes creating laws ensuring a level electric car selling field. The laws include environmental laws and labor laws within the production and sale of electric cars. Without government intervention, chaos arises to unfavorably affecting the free market. The Israeli government implements ISO standards. Investors. The investors’ importance is placing funds into Better Place’s coffers. The funds are used to hire employees, buy production and sales equipments, and pay other operating expenses (selling and marketing expenses). The funds fill the needs of the current and future global electric car customers. Further, the investments will include setting up battery charging stations in strategic locations. The locations include malls, sidewalks, train stations an d offices. Customers. The importance of the current and future customers of Better Place is purchasing the Better Place electric car products. The initial 20,000 Israeli customer’s payments are used to compensate for the marketing, production, and administration expenses of Better Place. The electric car users may purchase a home charging equipment for less than $301(Etzon & Struben, 2011). ... Further, the above stakeholders’ will judge Better Place’s performance. The performance includes the timely delivery of quality electric car products, accessories and services. The customers will discouragingly complain for lackluster performing electric car products. The lack of electric car battery charging stations will discourage Better Place customers. The stakeholders may be hindrances to Better Place’s performance. The Israeli government may institute laws that hinder Better Place’s attaining higher revenue targets. Specifically, governments instrumentally required manufacturers to reduce hydrocarbons, nitrogen and carbon monoxide exhausts. These exhausts contributed to air pollution. Some electric utilities use fossil fuel to generate the electric car batteries’ electricity charges. Line of business. The firm, Better Place, is established to fill the electric car and other related needs of the current and future customers. The related needs include adequate electricity supply (Etzon & Struben, 2011). Adequate supply entails abundance of electric car battery supplies. Adequate supply includes the current and future customers’ easily access to the company’s electric car models. Further, the firm exists to generate profits (Soosay et al., 2012). Specifically, Better Place offers several electric car plans. The customers purchase Electric Recharge Grid Operators (ERGOs). The car drivers buy the batteries from the battery suppliers. Better Place sets up electric car battery charging stations. The drivers pay for the required vehicle repairs and maintenance expenses, specifically the electric car’s power train maintenance expenses. Lastly, Better Place helps its customers avail of tailored

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Human-wk7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human-wk7 - Essay Example I would think that educators would help students identify goals for their education. As an example, students may want to set a goal that would bring them a better life. They may see this type of gal as long-term and may find another way to identify shorter term goals but they may first need to be exposed to education that helps them identify what they want. Self-regulation comes into play as children would reflect on their wants and needs. Reeve (2009) suggests that this happens as people begin to define goals and work towards them. As they begin to move towards their goals, they also begin to identify whether the goals they have set are working or need to be changed. In educating teens, I would think that educators would also set goals for what they wanted children to learn. Reeve also talks about self-regulation as a skill that must be developed. I would facilitate self-regulation with teens by exposing them to people from Liberia who had set goals and realized them. Plans-- my plans were to begin my Masters and continue it once I began. I think my plan was too big at the time because I did not take into consideration that raising a family and working full time would be difficult. Goals -- I set several goals in my head but I never wrote them down. I wanted a Masters degree because I felt it would bring more money but it was too difficult trying to do school, work full time and take care of my family. Smaller goals would have been better and would have stopped me from feeling so overwhelmed. Personal strivings--I always wanted a Masters degree in counseling because I wanted to help people. I wanted the goal to be completed quickly and I thought I could do it while working full time. I was not able to do it in that way. Implementation intention -- I did not have a specific plan for my Masters degree. I only wanted to have one. If I had set specific goals for completion like I have now, I may have been

Monday, September 23, 2019

Cuba Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cuba - Essay Example Cubans has produced many excellent boxers, including world champion Joel Casamayor. Music is treasured by the Cuban people who enjoy jazz, mambo and bolero genres. The family institution is highly value in Cuba, a place where family values and obligation comes first. When the son finds a suitable partner and gets marry it is not uncommon for the wife to move in and live with the husbands parents until a home is found for them. There is shortage of housing in Cuba. On a yearly basis the country only produces and builds half of the required demand for housing in the state (CultureGrams, 2007). The socialism reality of Cuba has made its residents a bit hesitant to fully cultivate religion. The Catholic Church has invested a lot of effort trying to open the minds of the people toward their cult which has worked towards a certain extend. Other types of religion practiced in Cuba include Spiritualism, Brujerà ­a and Santerà ­a. Santeria is a fusion of Roman Catholicism and a West African religion of an African (CountryWatch, 2007). Cuba is very well educated nation primary schooling is mandatory and majority of people complete secondary school. Th e literacy rate of Cuba is 97% and the country enjoys a higher educational system of 50 university institutions around the island (CultureGrams, 2007). Despite the poverty and restriction on liberties the Cuban people are very similar to Latin cultures as free as being free spirited work people who enjoy classical Salsa music and nightlife and â€Å"festivals† are part of the social life of Cuban adults. The Cubans eat a lot at home and the most important meal of the day is dinner a time for the family to reflect on their day and communicate with each other. Typical meal includes rice and beans, â€Å"viandas† and the prefer meat because of its lower price and local production is chicken. The favorite and most consumed tropical fruits eaten by the Cuban people are: mangos, avocados, oranges, lemons, pineapples and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Website copywriting Essay Example for Free

Website copywriting Essay Welcome!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Makati Educational Institute offers various programs that will prepare soon-to-be teachers to efficiently impart critical information to our future generation. We   prepare a person enrolled in our institute by developing his or her full potential. We employ a very modern, multi-dimensional and hands-on approach to education. We also ensure that our tranining and educational policies are at the forefront of the industry.   Moreover, we utilize the latest technology in our classrooms, departments and other facilities on campus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, we manage our students on a one on one basis. We make sure that our teacher to student ratio in our classrooms is kept at a bare minimum, about twenty students per teacher, so teachers can actively attend to each of their students needs and critically monitor each individuals progress.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Our programs and various teaching methods provide students with a competitive advantage by setting them apart from the rest of the pack. We ensure a professional and dynamic atmosphere along with the latest information and technology in whatever field our students are pursuing. We also guarantee that our faculty members and staff will only bring out the best in our students. They are also dedicated in honing students abilities to their fullest. That is why our institution can proudly say that we only deliver the best and most qualified teachers of the future.             History of the institute   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Established in 2005, the founders of the institute wanted to provide an accelerated program for working professionals or to those who want to get a degree in a matter of one to two years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Our goal is to properly educate teachers that will be truly competent in their designated task   of effectively passing on knowledge to our future generation. Our institute is dedicated in making this possible by providing quality education and training to our students.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Our faculty started with a group of educators who have been working in the academic field for decades. They decided to start their own institute after having been employed in numerous public and private schools. They figured that it is time they actively contribute to the educational system and what better way to do this than to educate and train future teachers.   In a year, the institute has employed 40 full-time teachers as well as 20 part-time teachers. Each year, the faculty and number of students just keps on growing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Our institutes meager beginnings started with just two dozen students walking the hallways of the two departments that occupy one building of our newly, furnished campus. After a year, enrollment in our institute has quadrupled.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Our graduates in the last three years consisted of over two hundred students. They were employed at least three months upon graduation. This is because our institute offers educators the necessary skills and training to effectively do their job. We have a training program wherein our students are authorized to teach and provide support in various public and private schools nationwide. We also partnered with several schools in order to conduct a job fair that we hold in our institute at least twice a year. We also provide job assistance to fresh graduates of our institute. Faculty   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Our faculty consists of 150 qualified educators, working either on a full or part-time basis. They are all masteral and doctorate degree holders and experienced professionals in 16 different specialities. They operate and handle 6 departments in our institute namely Mathematics; Natural Sciences, Social Sciences; Foreign Languages which include Spanish, French, and German; Preschool Pedagogy and Pyschology; and Elementary Education. Each department has their own buidling.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We also have a library, which holds about 350,000 academic journals and books. In addition, we are electronically subscribed to various online academic journals and magazines. We also have three modern computer laboratories to ensure that students have all the resources that they need to succeed in any of their chosen field of study. While our science laboratories contain advanced equipments to assist our students in furthering their knowledge regarding the subject matter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, we also offer free tutorial sessions to our students after class. Out of the 150 teachers on campus, 50 of them voluntarily tutor students on a regular basis. Most of these teachers have doctorate degrees in a wide-array of courses available in our institute.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, our after-school tutoring program is headed by five of our most dedicated and talented instructors. All of them have doctorate degrees in their chosen field of studies. Also, they all have impeccable records due to their accredited performance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of our tutors and full-time staff member is Lisa Gonzales. She heads the foreign language department. Her specialty is in Spanish and French. She graduated as magna cum laude of her class. Lisa strongly believes that learning a foreign language is essential in our ever-growing society that is becoming more globalized over the years. With more Filipinos being employed overseas, it is crucial that students learn and become fluent in at least one foreign language to have an advantage over other job applicants.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, Tesa Santos who heads our Math department, stresses the importance of developing better math skills. This is because Filipinos are lagging behind when it comes to this subject area. Thus, she simplifies concepts in order for her students to understand the general idea. She realizes that students need to constantly practice math skills that they have learned. Therefore, she usually engages them in numerous assignments and projects that are based on real life scenarios so that students can see the relevance of what they are learning. Her teaching strategies has proven to be effective because most of her students are currently employed at Mapua and Don Bosco schools.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Finally, Mariel Garcia heads our elementary education department. Mariel firmly believes that the most important stage in the development and learning of children lies in their early years of education. This is because the desire to learn is at its peak. Therefore, educators should know how to handle young children effectively in order to bring out the best in them. Thus, her teaching method employs a more personal approach to learning.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These are just some of our exceptional instructors. Students who have been taught by any one of these teachers know all too well that these teachers demonstrate a strong passion for what they do and skillfully challenge their students. As teachers, they exceed their students expectation. These teachers, along with the rest of our faculty, are all determined to make a difference in each of our students life. We are truly and genuinely interested in their future well-being and success. Thus, students at our institute becomes our main priority. This is because we are aware that without them, our institution will not exist.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Teachers Day Essay Example for Free

Teachers Day Essay Image by surojitbasak2007 via Flickr Calcutta, India, Aug 26, 2011 (Washington Bangla Radio) In India 5th September is celebrated as Teachers day as a mark of tribute to the contribution made by teachers to the society. 5th September is the birthday of a great teacher Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, who was a staunch believer of education, and was the well-known diplomat, scholar, president of India and above all a teacher. The day commemorates the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakhrishnan, a philosopher and a teacher par excellence, and his contribution towards Indian education system. Dr Radhakhrishnan believed that teachers should be the best minds in the country. On this day, we gratefully remember the great educationist, apart from honoring all the teachers that have made our life much more knowledgeable and fulfilled, as serving as our beacons of light. When Dr. Radhakrishnan became the President of India in 1962, he was approached by some of his students and friends and requested him to allow them to celebrate 5th September, his birthday. In reply, Dr.Radhakrishnan said, instead of celebrating my birthday separately, it would be my proud privilege if September 5 is observed as Teachers day. The request showed Dr. Radhakrishnans love for the teaching profession. From then onwards, the day has been observed as Teachers Day in India. One of the most celebrated writers in the modern India today his work varies on philosophical, theological, ethical, educational, social and cultural subjects. He contributed numerous articles to different well-known journals, which, are of immense value and seems to surprise various readers because of the depth in the meaning of the articles. Teachers day is now one of the occasions that is looked forward by the

Friday, September 20, 2019

Information Security Using Cryptography Information Technology Essay

Information Security Using Cryptography Information Technology Essay This paper aims to provide a total review of Information security and cryptography, Information security means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access (PROXY SERVERS), use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. Governments, military, financial institutions, hospitals, and private businesses amass a great deal of confidential information about their employees, customers, products, research, and financial status. Protecting confidential information is a business requirement, and in many cases also an ethical and legal requirement. SECURITY in this contemporary scenarios has become a more sensible issue either it may be in the REAL WORLD or in the CYBER WORLD. In the real world as opposed to the cyber world an attack is often preceded by information gathering. This is also true in the cyber world. Here the bad guys are referred to as intruders, hackers, hijackers, etc. The intruders would first have a panoramic view of the victims network and then start digging the holes. One of the method for protecting information from hackers is Cryptography Cryptography defined as the science and study of secret writing, concerns the ways in which communications and data can be encoded to prevent disclosure of their contents through message interception, using codes ciphers and other methods, so that only certain people can see the real message. Encryption transforms original information, called plaintext, into transformed information, called cipher text, code text or simply cipher, which usually has the appearance of random, unintelligible data. Encryption provides confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of the information transferred from A to B. INTRODUCTION: The objective of this paper is to provide the reader with an insight into recent developments in the field of cryptography. Cryptography was used as a tool to protect national secrets and strategies. The proliferation of computers and communications systems in the 1960s brought with it a demand from the private sector for means to protect information in digital form and to provide security services. DES, the Data Encryption Standard, is the most well-known cryptographic mechanism. It remains the standard means for securing electronic commerce for many financial institutions around the world. The most striking development in the history of cryptography came in 1976 when Diffie and Hellmann published New Directions in Cryptography. The word cryptography comes from a Greek word which means hidden or secret. It is considered as a miraculous boon that will solve all the computer security problems. It is also referred to as science of secret writing. The objective is to provide security to the appropriate layer among the seven layers of networking infrastructure. This topic can be dealt mathematically also. But our focus is on cyber applications and its vitality. While cryptographers work on inventing clever secret codes, cryptanalysts attempt to break these codes. Cryptology encompasses both the subjects. Symantec is launching Norton 360 in India, an online digital security solutions service that could be paid for on basis of actual usage. The company which has various products to provide information security and retrieval of secured information, is also now into providing a regulatory compliances services. This is a sentence published in the famous newspaper The HINDU .This is an excellent evidence to support the sentence Network security is extremely essential. Two entities A and B wish to work over a secure network .but an intruder interrupts and shares their secrets without their knowledge. Now cryptography has the ability to send information between entities in a way that prevents others from reading it. For instance: If the original message was GIVE TWO MILLION he would have encoded the message with SHIFT BY 3 and so the message would now be JLYHWZRPLOORQ which is obviously in an unreadable format unless you know the method of deciphering. BASIC PRINCIPLES: Key concepts For over twenty years information security has held that confidentiality, integrity and availability (known as the CIA Triad) are the core principles of information security. CIA TRAID Confidentiality Confidentiality is a requisite for maintaining the privacy of the people whose personal information the organization holds. Information that is considered to be confidential in nature must only be accessed, used, copied, or disclosed by persons who have been authorized to access, use, copy, or disclose the information, and then only when there is a genuine need to access, use, copy or disclose the information. A breach of confidentiality occurs when information that is considered to be confidential in nature has been, or may have been, accessed, used, copied, or disclosed to, or by, someone who was not authorized to have access to the information. Integrity In information security, integrity means that data can not be created, changed, or deleted without authorization. A loss of integrity occurs when an employee accidentally, or with malicious intent, deletes important data files. A loss of integrity can occur if a computer virus is released onto the computer. A loss of integrity can occur when an on-line shopper is able to change the price of the product they are purchasing. Availability The concept of availability means that the information, the computing systems used to process the information, and the security controls used to protect the information are all available and functioning correctly when the information is needed. Defense in depth During its life time, information may pass through many different parts of information processing systems. There are many different ways the information and information systems can be threatened. To fully protect the information during its lifetime, each component of the information processing system must have its own protection mechanisms. The building up, layering on and overlapping of security measures is called defense in depth. Additional insight into defense in depth can be gained by thinking of it as forming the layers of an onion, with data at the core of the onion, people as the outer layer of the onion, and network security, host-based security and applications security forming the inner layers of the onion CRYPTOGRAPHY: OVERVIEW: Security Concerns Security Attacks: Interruption Interception Modification Fabrication Methods of defense: Encryption Software Controls Hardware Controls Physical Controls Encryption Cryptography Cryptanalysis Encryption algorithm types: Asymmetric Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithms: Secret key Public key Hash functions History-Caesar cipher A simple substitution cipher Polyalphabetic substitution example Uses of encryption Applications of cryptography Security Concerns: Unauthorized access to resources. Masquerade as authorized user or end system. E-mail forgery. Malicious attacks. Monitoring and capture of network traffic. Exploitation of software bugs Contributing Factors: Increased Internet use: Home broadband, Greater coverage (wired and wireless): More ubiquitous on-line use: Education, Business, Games, Shoppingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Lack of awareness of threats and risks. Wide-open network policies. Unencrypted network traffic. Complexity of security measurements and administration. Software bugs. Availability of cracking tools. Security Attacks: Interruption: This is an attack on Availability. Interception: This is an attack on confidentiality. Modification: This is an attack on integrity. Fabrication: This is an attack on authenticity. Methods of defense: Encryption: Encryption is key enabling technology to implement computer security. Information security uses cryptography to transform usable information into a form that renders it unusable by anyone other than an authorized user; this process is called encryption. Information that has been encrypted (rendered unusable) can be transformed back into its original usable form by an authorized user, who possesses the cryptographic key, through the process of decryption. Cryptography is used in information security to protect information from unauthorized or accidental discloser while the information is in transit (either electronically or physically) and while information is in storage Cryptography can introduce security problems when it is not implemented correctly. The length and strength of the encryption key is also an important consideration. A key that is weak or too short will produce weak encryption. The keys used for encryption and decryption must be protected with the same degree of rigor as any other confidential information. What is cryptography? Cryptography is the science of using mathematics to encrypt and decrypt data. Cryptography enables you to store sensitive information or transmit it across insecure networks (like the Internet) so that it cannot be read by anyone except the intended recipient. While cryptography is the science of securing data, cryptanalysis is the science of analyzing and breaking secure communication. Cryptology embraces both cryptography and cryptanalysis. Strong cryptography: There are two kinds of cryptography in this world: cryptography that will stop your kid sister from reading your files, and cryptography that will stop major governments from reading your files. Cryptographic strength is measured in the time and resources it would require to recover the plaintext. The result of strong cryptography is cipher text that is very difficult to decipher without possession of the appropriate decoding tool. How does cryptography work? A cryptographic algorithm, or cipher, is a mathematical function used in the encryption and decryption process. A cryptographic algorithm works in combination with a key-a word, number, or phrase-to encrypt the plaintext. The same plaintext encrypts to different cipher text with different keys. The security of encrypted data is entirely dependent on two things: the strength of the cryptographic algorithm and the secrecy of the key. A cryptographic algorithm, plus all possible keys and all the protocols that make it work comprise a cryptosystem. Conventional cryptography: In conventional cryptography, also called secret-key or symmetric-key encryption, one key is used both for encryption and decryption. Encryption and decryption: Data that can be read and understood without any special measures is called plaintext or clear text. The method of disguising plaintext in such a way as to hide its substance is called encryption. Encrypting plaintext results in unreadable gibberish called cipher text. You use encryption to ensure that information is hidden from anyone for whom it is not intended, even those who can see the encrypted data. The process of reverting cipher text to its original plaintext is called decryption. This could be illustrated using the following diagram: 001010010111001 100101001011001 001011100100101 Encryption and decryption Why Cryptography? Concerned with developing algorithms which may be used to: Conceal the context of some message from all except the sender and recipient (privacy or secrecy), and/or Verify the correctness of a message to the recipient (authentication) Forms the basis of many technological solutions to computer and communications security problems Elements of cryptography: In cryptographic terminology, the message is called plaintext or clear text. Encoding the contents of the message in such a way that hides its contents from outsiders is called encryption. A method of encryption and decryption is called a cipher The name cipher originates from the Hebrew word Saphar, meaning to number. The encrypted message is called the cipher text. The process of retrieving the plaintext from the cipher text is called decryption. Encryption and decryption usually make use of a key, and the coding method is such that decryption can be performed only by knowing the proper key. Cryptanalysis: The study of principles and methods of transforming an unintelligible message back into an intelligible message without knowledge of the key is called Cryptanalysis. Also called code breaking sometimes. Whereas people who do cryptography are cryptographers and practitioners of cryptanalysis are cryptanalysts. Cryptology Cryptology is the branch of mathematics that studies the mathematical foundations of cryptographic methods. Cryptology comes from the Greek words Krypton, meaning hidden, and Graphen, meaning to write. Cryptology is actually the study of codes and ciphers. Cryptology = both cryptography and cryptanalysis. The Key: All modern algorithms use a key to control encryption and decryption; a message can be decrypted only if the key matches the encryption key. The key used for decryption can be different from the encryption key, but for most algorithms they are the same. Encryption Algorithm Types: There are two classes of key-based algorithms: Symmetric (or secret-key) Asymmetric (or public-key) algorithms The difference is that symmetric algorithms use the same key for encryption and decryption (or the decryption key is easily derived from the encryption key), whereas asymmetric algorithms use a different key for encryption and decryption, and the decryption key cannot be derived from the encryption key. Asymmetric Algorithms: public key Public key cryptography is an asymmetric scheme that uses a pair of keys for encryption: a public key, which encrypts data, and a corresponding private, or secret key for decryption. You publish your public key to the world while keeping your private key secret. Anyone with a copy of your public key can then encrypt information that only you can read. Even people you have never met. It is computationally infeasible to deduce the private key from the public key. Any one who has a public key can encrypt the information but cannot decrypt it. Only the person who has the corresponding private key can decrypt the information. The primary benefit of public key cryptography is that it allows people who have no preexisting security arrangement to exchange messages securely. The need for sender and receiver to share secret keys via some secure channel is eliminated; all communications involve only public keys, and no private key is ever transmitted or shared. Public key algorithm: Symmetric Algorithms Symmetric algorithms can be divided into two categories: (1) stream ciphers and (2) block ciphers. Stream ciphers can encrypt a single bit/byte of plaintext at a time, whereas à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Block ciphers take a number of bits (typically 64 bits in modern ciphers), and encrypt them as a single unit. Secret key and Public key: Hash functions: An improvement on the above scheme is the addition of a one-way hash function in the process. A one-way hash function takes variable-length input-in this case, a message of any length, even thousands or millions of bits-and produces a fixed-length output; say, 160-bits. The hash function ensures that, if the information is changed in any way-even by just one bit-an entirely different output value is produced. As long as a secure hash function is used, there is no way to take someones signature from one document and attach it to another, or to alter a signed message in any way. The slightest change in a signed document will cause the digital signature verification process to fail. Hash Functions History Caesar Cipher: Julius Caesar used a simple alphabet (letter) substitution, offset by 3 letters. Taking the word cipher you would move ahead in the alphabet 3 letters to get FLSKHU. c =3  ® 3+3 = 6  ® F i =9  ® 9+3 = 12  ® L p =16  ® 16+3 = 19  ® S h =8  ® 8+3 = 11  ® K e =5  ® 5+3 = 8  ® H r =18  ® 18+3 = 21  ® U This worked for a while, until more people learned to read and studied his secret cipher. A Simple Substitution Cipher Plaintext: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz QIAYMWFUBKPDGJZSOCVLXNETRH Cipher text: Polyalphabetic Substitution Example: Suppose that a polyalphabetic cipher of period 3 is being used, with the three monoalphabetic ciphers M1, M2, M3 as defined below. To encrypt a message, the first 3 letters of the plaintext are enciphered according to ciphers M1, M2, M3 respectively, with the process being repeated for each subsequent block of 3 plaintext letters. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z M1: K D N H P A W X C Z I M Q J B Y E T U G V R F O S L M2: P A G U K H J B Y D S O E M Q N W F Z I T C V L X R M3: J M F Z R N L D O W G I A K E S U C Q V H Y X T P B Plaintext Now is the time for every good man Ciphertext JCQ CZ VXK VCER AQC PCRTX LBQZ QPK Note: The two os in good have been enciphered as different letters. Also the three letters X in the cipher text represent different letters in the plaintext Uses of Encryption: Protecting data from prying eyes is not the only security issue in networking. One can imagine at least four security services: Protecting data from being read by unauthorized persons Verifying the sender of each message (authentication) Preventing unauthorized persons from inserting or deleting messages Making it possible for users to send signed documents electronically Applications of cryptography: Digital signatures have many applications in information security, including authentication, data integrity, and non-repudiation. One of the most significant applications of digital signatures is the certification of public keys in large networks. Certification is a means for a trusted third party (TTP) to bind the identity of a user to a public key, so that at some later time, other entities can authenticate a public key without assistance from a trusted third party There is a lot of information that we dont want other people to see. This can be achieved by cryptography such as Credit card information Private correspondence Social security numbers Personal details Sensitive company information CONCLUSION: Thus Information security measures are needed to protect data from hackers, when it is transmitted between terminal user and computer and between computer and computer and it is also necessary to protect the computer system when there is an attack of virus. The capability of security enabled components still lags behind the claims. Everyone has a different idea of what security is, and what levels of risk are acceptable. Its important to build systems and networks in such a way that the user is not constantly reminded of the security system around him. As and when new security methods are developed, breaking of these methods has increased. So measures have to be taken to fill the loopholes, of which cryptography has and is playing a major role. Cryptography is evergreen and developments in this area are a better option. Basic security challenges in the corporate realm are not yet completely addressed. Nevertheless the cumbersome combats devised against each of the security fissures, yet the cyber MAVERICKS all around the world are succeeding in their ways of perdition. This was quite evident from the E-attacks on BARC server post-September11th cyber attacks on FBI sites where even sophisticated surveillance systems couldnt come to their rescue. A case in point is that, E-ATTACKS are becoming notoriously peerless as compared with the traditional nuke-wars. Consequently, in the quench of thirst for more and more secured systems BIOMETRICS SYSTEM, QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY and many more are innovatively being implemented at a cumulative pace.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Silas Marner :: Free Essays Online

Silas Marner Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe In the manuscript, the title read: ‘Silas Marner:/The Weaver of Raveloe/A Story/ by/George Eliot’. In a letter to John Blackwood, her publisher, on 28 February 1861, she asked for the words ‘A Story’ to be removed. It was taken out of all printed editions. Silas Marner took five months to write. It was written between September of 1860 and March 1861. Eliot was working on Romola when she received a summons to write Silas Marner. She put Romola, which was written in installments, aside to write Silas Marner. It was written for publication. She was inspired to write Silas Marner after reading Wordsworth's poem â€Å"Michael.† She quotes three lines from the poem at the beginning of her novel: 'A child, more than all other gifts That earth can offer to declining man, Brings hope with it, and forward-looking thoughts.' She told her publisher, John Blackwood, in January 1861 about her idea of writing the novel. She wrote that it was â€Å"a story of old-fashioned village life, which has unfolded itself from the merest millet seed of thought† (Modern Library). On 24 February 1861, she said, â€Å"it came to me first of all, quite suddenly, as a sort of legendary tale, suggested by me recollection of having once, in early childhood, seen a linen-weaver with a bag on his back; but, as my mind dwelt on the subject, I became inclined to a more realistic treatment† (Modern Library). George Eliot’s real name was Marion Evans. She changed it because she did not want people to read her novel just because they were interested in her scandalous life. She was living with G.H.Lewes at the time and had been doing so since 1854. He and Marion Evans were unable to marry. His wife, Agnes, cheated on him with his friend Thorton Hunt, by whom she bore four children along with the three she had with Lewes. Eliot wrote to her brother Isaac in May 1857, telling him about her relationship with Lewes. He did not approve and refused to speak to her ever again and told sister Chrissy to do the same. This was a hard time for Marion. In March 1859, her sister died. Married women shunned her because of her affair. In September, she and Lewes moved together into London to provide convenient home for Lewe’s son Charles who returned home from Switzerland. In December 1860, when she was halfway done with writing Silas Marner, Eliot suffered from ill health and depression.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tribunals Essay -- essays research papers

President Bush's decision to consider establishing military tribunals to prosecute accused terrorists has set off a major debate on civil liberties in the United States. Supporters argue that such a measure is a constitutional necessity to address terrorism of an unprecedented scope. Opponents claim that the tribunals would undermine the rule of law and deprive defendants of the protection provided for in the American system of justice. My research and personnel experience on the subject has found the tribunals to be in direct accordance of what the President of the United States his charged to do. It’s the duty of the President to ensure the safety of all citizens. The tide of war has changed dramatically within the past twenty years with our enemies becoming more and more invisible. As the country as changed throughout history, this latest change on how we deal with our enemies is just another positive step in the right direction. The tribunal rules do not violate establish ed criminal justice procedures because it does not target crimes usually prosecuted by the civil criminal justice system. A military tribunal or military commission is a court-like forum that is created within the military to try a person accused of crimes. It is authorized by the U.S. Constitution and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which is a federal law (Title 10, United States Code, Chapter 47) passed by Congress. The great majority of the UCMJ is devoted to the rules concerning the trial of U.S. service personnel by court-martial. Article 21, UCMJ, however, provides authority to convene other military tribunals. Some individuals in the military could argue that members are held to a different criminal justice system than civilians. Most crimes not prosecuted by civil systems like adultery are prosecuted in the military and can lead to jail time. You will never here complainants because members of the military understand they are held to a higher standard than their civilian counterparts. With higher standards there is always a higher cost to pay when you violate them. A military tribunal is essentially a court-martial, or a military trial, during a time of war. The rules of evidence that are in the civilian criminal trials do not apply. The tribunal ordered by Bush would target non-U.S. citizens suspected by the White House to be terrorists. The issue most people hav... .... The decision President Bush mad is the correct one and is proven with the response by Americans. More than fifty percent of American support tribunals and the war on terrorism. We have to learn that these people want to kill us not steal out televisions. This is a war and in war sometime we have to adjust when our enemies throw curve balls at us. In effect, what the critics of military tribunals would have the President do is turn enemy belligerents over to civilian law enforcement authorities for prosecution. To do so, however, would not only be unprecedented, but would set a horrifically bad precedent. I support the tribunals and believe it does not violate established criminal justice procedures in place in the United States. We as a country have to accept the necessary changes to ensure the survival of our culture and way of life. REFERANCE Draft of Tribunal Rules Would Require Public Trials, Death-Penalty Unanimity By Jess Bravin. Wall Street Journal. (Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.: Dec 28, 2001. pg. A.18